c# Programming Glossary: vm
MVVM: Binding to Model while keeping Model in sync with a server version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10437241/mvvm-binding-to-model-while-keeping-model-in-sync-with-a-server-version Binding to Model while keeping Model in sync with a server version.. the simplest scenarios it's also not in the spirit of MVVM. ViewModels have sole responsibility for pushing changes. This.. they interact with the View which invokes a Command on the VM. The VM then calls into the DS pushing the changes made to its..
Is shifting bits faster than multiplying and dividing in Java? .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1168451/is-shifting-bits-faster-than-multiplying-and-dividing-in-java-net necessary for performance or can I expect the compiler VM to notice the case and optimize it in particular when the power..
How much faster is C++ than C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138361/how-much-faster-is-c-than-c faster in later versions of the runtime .NET CLR or Java VM without you doing anything. And there are a lot of useful optimizations..
What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777103/what-nosql-solutions-are-out-there-for-net run the latest stable version of Redis inside a VirtualBox VM . Download and run Microsoft's Native port of Redis share improve..
MVVM - what is the ideal way for usercontrols to talk to each other http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798600/mvvm-what-is-the-ideal-way-for-usercontrols-to-talk-to-each-other what is the ideal way for usercontrols to talk to each other.. which contains several other user controls. I am using MVVM. Each user control has a corresponding VM. How do these user.. I am using MVVM. Each user control has a corresponding VM. How do these user controls send information to each other I..
How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209779/how-can-you-change-network-settings-ip-address-dns-wins-host-name-with-code very easy... just made this in 20 minutes add to set up VM first using System using System.Management namespace WindowsFormsApplication_CS..
.NET : How do you get the Type of a null object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/254461/net-how-do-you-get-the-type-of-a-null-object if MyObj.SomeProp is null that .GetType call fails. The VM has to know the type of MyObj.SomeProp even when its null right..
Why use MVVM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2653096/why-use-mvvm use MVVM Okay I have been looking into MVVM pattern and each time I.. use MVVM Okay I have been looking into MVVM pattern and each time I have previously tried looking into it.. question Could someone show an example of where using MVVM pattern would of saved time when compared to XAML DataBinding...
M-V-VM Design Question. Calling View from ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/303006/m-v-vm-design-question-calling-view-from-viewmodel V VM Design Question. Calling View from ViewModel I've just started.. View from ViewModel I've just started looking into M V VM for a WPF application. Everything makes sense so far besides.. should never be instantiated anywhere below the UI layer. VMs exist below that realm therefore this is not the place to put..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c life. Virtual Machine Like almost any reasonably modern VM Microsoft's for .NET can and will do JIT aka dynamic compilation... a number of trade offs though. First almost every VM including Microsoft's I believe attempts to make intelligent.. anyway to fairly specific types of problems. Using a VM also has a possibility of improving cache usage. Instructions..
How and why do I set up a C# build machine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/616149/how-and-why-do-i-set-up-a-c-sharp-build-machine and extremely easy to configure and will easily run on a VM. Partly from an old post of mine We use it to Deploy windows.. A I just installed visual studio on a fresh copy of a VM running a fresh patched install of a windows server OS. So you'd.. failure Q What kind of hardware will I need for this A A VM will suffice Q Once a build has been finished and tested is..
Binding a Button Visibility to bool value in ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7000819/binding-a-button-visibility-to-bool-value-in-viewmodel wanted. I have this but how can I bind it to a bool in my VM. Button Height 50 Width 50 Style StaticResource MyButtonStyle.. . This is a very common pattern when working with MVVM. In theory you could do the conversion yourself on the ViewModel..
MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16993433/mvvm-light-wpf-binding-multiple-instances-of-a-window-to-a-viewmodel MainWindow.xaml xmlns views clr namespace AoW.Views xmlns vm clr namespace AoW.ViewModels xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com.. compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d Application.Resources vm ViewModelLocator x Key Locator d IsDataSource True DataTemplate.. Locator d IsDataSource True DataTemplate DataType x Type vm GameViewModel views GameView DataTemplate DataTemplate DataType..
Where is the implementation of InternalEquals(object objA, object objB) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/384294/where-is-the-implementation-of-internalequalsobject-obja-object-objb . In SSCLI 2.0 it's implemented as in sscli20 clr src vm comobject.cpp FCIMPL2 FC_BOOL_RET ObjectNative Equals Object..
how to get swipe in windows phone 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4342326/how-to-get-swipe-in-windows-phone-7 void OnFlick object sender FlickGestureEventArgs e var vm DataContext as SelectedCatalogViewModel if vm null User flicked.. e var vm DataContext as SelectedCatalogViewModel if vm null User flicked towards left if e.HorizontalVelocity 0 Load..
Changing the View for a ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5309099/changing-the-view-for-a-viewmodel the data template used for SampleViewModel c# wpf mvvm share improve this question Less words more code. As far.. SelectTemplate object item DependencyObject container var vm item as SampleViewModel if vm null return null switch vm.ViewType.. container var vm item as SampleViewModel if vm null return null switch vm.ViewType case ItemViewType.View1..
Binding WPF ComboBox to a Custom List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/561166/binding-wpf-combobox-to-a-custom-list That would seem a bit silly to me. c# wpf data binding mvvm combobox share improve this question You set the DisplayMemberPath.. public Window1 InitializeComponent ConnectionViewModel vm new ConnectionViewModel DataContext vm private void Button_Click.. ConnectionViewModel vm new ConnectionViewModel DataContext vm private void Button_Click object sender RoutedEventArgs e ConnectionViewModel..
Assign Property with an ExpressionTree http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5780232/assign-property-with-an-expressiontree be obvious to anyone who can answer this ViewModelBase vm new ViewModelBase vm.RunAndRaise vm.Value 1 EDIT Thank you @svick.. who can answer this ViewModelBase vm new ViewModelBase vm.RunAndRaise vm.Value 1 EDIT Thank you @svick for the perfect.. this ViewModelBase vm new ViewModelBase vm.RunAndRaise vm.Value 1 EDIT Thank you @svick for the perfect answer. I moved..
Implementing Audit Log / Change History with MVC & Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6867459/implementing-audit-log-change-history-with-mvc-entity-framework in the edit method public ActionResult Edit ViewModel vm we find the object we are trying to update and then use TryUpdateModel.. its work. i.e. HttpPost public ActionResult Edit ViewModel vm Need to take the copy here var object EntityFramework.Object.Single.. copy here var object EntityFramework.Object.Single x x.ID vm.ID if ModelState.IsValid Form the un edited view model var..
How is Math.Pow() implemented in .Net Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870442/how-is-math-pow-implemented-in-net-framework of the CLR. The lookup table is located in clr src vm ecall.cpp. The section that's relevant to Math.Pow looks like..