c# Programming Glossary: standalone
How do arrays in C# partially implement IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11163297/how-do-arrays-in-c-sharp-partially-implement-ilistt explicit interface implementation . Here's a simple standalone example public interface IFoo void M1 void M2 public class Foo..
What is the best way to run ServiceStack on Linux / Mono? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12188356/what-is-the-best-way-to-run-servicestack-on-linux-mono XSP is similar to VS.NET WebDev server a simple standalone ASP.NET WebServer written in C#. This is suitable for development.. lets you run your ServiceStack webservices on its own in a standalone Console application i.e. without a web server . This is a good..
WPF WebBrowser Control - position:fixed Element jumps while scrolling (Windows 8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17209626/wpf-webbrowser-control-positionfixed-element-jumps-while-scrolling-windows-8 of the same web page loaded into WebBrowser control and standalone IE browser the problem can often be fixed by implementing WebBrowser..
Options for embedding Chromium instead of IE WebBrowser control with WPF/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18119125/options-for-embedding-chromium-instead-of-ie-webbrowser-control-with-wpf-c be an HTML5 plugin for IE and Firefox it actually works as standalone ActiveX control too so I could wrap it for use with WPF. It..
C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19044659/c-sharp-webbrowser-control-form-submit-not-working-using-invokememberclick to make sure the WebBrowser behaves in the same way as standalone IE browser or as close as possible . This is a must for almost..
UAC need for console application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227187/uac-need-for-console-application that look like that xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes assembly xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 manifestVersion..
Needed: A Windows Service That Executes Jobs from a Job Queue in a DB; Wanted: Example Code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3266420/needed-a-windows-service-that-executes-jobs-from-a-job-queue-in-a-db-wanted-e Activator which allows the processing to be hosted in standalone processes as opposed to T SQL procedures. share improve this..
What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38635/what-static-analysis-tools-are-available-for-c with .net framework guidelines. No longer available as a standalone download. It is now included in the Windows SDK and after installation..
What indicates an Office Open XML Cell contains a Date/Time value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730152/what-indicates-an-office-open-xml-cell-contains-a-date-time-value of the styleSheet element xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes styleSheet xmlns http schemas.openxmlformats.org spreadsheetml..
Using Razor without MVC [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4808348/using-razor-without-mvc have any guidance on using Razor outside of MVC as a standalone template engine Any experience with these wrapper projects are..
How to interact with Windows Media Player in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56478/how-to-interact-with-windows-media-player-in-c-sharp Player in C# I am looking for a way to interact with a standalone full version of Windows Media Player. Mostly I need to know..
Look if a method is called inside a method using reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741350/look-if-a-method-is-called-inside-a-method-using-reflection improve this question Use Mono.Cecil . It is a single standalone assembly that will work on Microsoft .NET as well as Mono. I..
How to check if two Expression<Func<T, bool>> are the same [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/673205/how-to-check-if-two-expressionfunct-bool-are-the-same T so it's usable for generic collections as well as for a standalone usage. It uses the type ExpressionComparison to compare two..
Anyone know a good workaround for the lack of an enum generic constraint? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7244/anyone-know-a-good-workaround-for-the-lack-of-an-enum-generic-constraint . I've included the basic facts below for the sake of a standalone answer. The best solution is to wait for me to include it in..
How do you do AppBar docking (to screen edge, like WinAmp) in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/75785/how-do-you-do-appbar-docking-to-screen-edge-like-winamp-in-wpf and modified it to do two things Work with WPF Be standalone if you put this single file in your project you can call AppBarFunctions.SetAppBar..
Blocking dialogs in .NET WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77659/blocking-dialogs-in-net-webbrowser-control blocking all dialogs script errors etc EDIT This isn't a standalone instance of IE but an instance of a WebBrowser control living..
Memcached on Windows (x64) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8896/memcached-on-windows-x64 UPDATE 2 NorthScale Memcached is no longer available as a standalone download. Now they have made it part of their commercial No..