c# Programming Glossary: stack.push
Enumerating Collections that are not inherently IEnumerable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1815497/enumerating-collections-that-are-not-inherently-ienumerable Stack IEnumerable T stack new Stack IEnumerable T stack.Push collection.OfType T while stack.Count 0 IEnumerable T items.. item IEnumerable T children selector item .OfType T stack.Push children I did a simple performance test using the following..
Finding a control on a Winforms using LINQ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2024607/finding-a-control-on-a-winforms-using-linq new ArgumentNullException root var stack new Stack Control stack.Push root while stack.Count 0 Control item stack.Pop if item.Name..
C# How to populate TreeView with file system directory structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6239544/c-sharp-how-to-populate-treeview-with-file-system-directory-structure new Stack string TreeNode DirFilesCollection new TreeNode stack.Push path while stack.Count 0 string dir stack.Pop try List String.. foreach string dn in Directory.GetDirectories dir stack.Push dn catch Action clearTreeView treeView.Nodes.Clear this.Invoke.. var node new TreeNode rootDirectory.Name Tag rootDirectory stack.Push node while stack.Count 0 var currentNode stack.Pop var directoryInfo..
How can I determine which exceptions can be thrown by a given method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/986180/how-can-i-determine-which-exceptions-can-be-thrown-by-a-given-method methodInstruction.Method if curMethod is ConstructorInfo stack.Push ConstructorInfo curMethod .DeclaringType else if method is.. curMethod .DeclaringType else if method is MethodInfo stack.Push MethodInfo curMethod .ReturnParameter.ParameterType else if.. var fieldInstruction InlineFieldInstruction instruction stack.Push fieldInstruction.Field.FieldType else if instruction is ShortInlineBrTargetInstruction..