c# Programming Glossary: splits
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10123145/string-was-not-recognized-as-a-valid-datetime in into an array so you don't need to split it 3 times var splits lbl_TransDate.Text.Split ' ' DateTime.ParseExact splits 0 splits.. splits lbl_TransDate.Text.Split ' ' DateTime.ParseExact splits 0 splits 1 splits 2 ... If you don't trust the input the splits.. lbl_TransDate.Text.Split ' ' DateTime.ParseExact splits 0 splits 1 splits 2 ... If you don't trust the input the splits array..
Dump SSIS USER variable name and value in SQL Server table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11695821/dump-ssis-user-variable-name-and-value-in-sql-server-table ' ' pkgVar.Value Script task in the foreach loop simply splits the variable and stores it into a array of string and then u..
How do I generate a hashcode from a byte array in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16340/how-do-i-generate-a-hashcode-from-a-byte-array-in-c-sharp not equal. All you want is a GetHashCode algorithm that splits up your collection into roughly even groups it shouldn't form..
Split a collection into n parts with LINQ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/438188/split-a-collection-into-n-parts-with-linq T Split T this IEnumerable T list int parts int i 0 var splits from item in list group item by i parts into part select part.AsEnumerable..
Regex split string preserving quotes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4780728/regex-split-string-preserving-quotes this Regex @ w w s w w s from another post in SO which splits the string into research library not available author Bernard.. Regex.Split subjectString ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ This regex splits on space characters only if they are preceded and followed by..