c# Programming Glossary: specifies
Why should I use int instead of a byte or short in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1097467/why-should-i-use-int-instead-of-a-byte-or-short-in-c-sharp with a file format or protocol or similar that actually specifies 16 bit integer values. If you're just dealing with integers..
WinRT: Loading static data with GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12235085/winrt-loading-static-data-with-getfilefromapplicationuriasync await keyword will never be invoked. ConfigureAwait false specifies that current context can be ignored and thus allows your code..
How to convert a simple .Net console project a into portable exe with Mono and mkbundle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1321207/how-to-convert-a-simple-net-console-project-a-into-portable-exe-with-mono-and-m mkbundle is a program within Mono package o Bundled1.exe specifies how the Mono bundled exe will be named Winform1.exe says what..
How to resolve a .lnk in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139010/how-to-resolve-a-lnk-in-c-sharp order word of fFlags can be set to a time out value that specifies the maximum amount of time to be spent resolving the link. The..
SetWindowsHookEx in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1811383/setwindowshookex-in-c-sharp parameter must be set to NULL if the dwThreadId parameter specifies a thread created by the current process and if the hook procedure..
What's the difference between anonymous methods (C# 2.0) and lambda expressions (C# 3.0)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/208381/whats-the-difference-between-anonymous-methods-c-2-0-and-lambda-expressions is read as goes to . The left side of the lambda operator specifies the input parameters if any and the right side holds the expression..
Format a string into columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2978311/format-a-string-into-columns 0 10 123 Prints 123 Console.WriteLine 0 10 123 The number specifies the number of columns you want to use and the sign specifies.. the number of columns you want to use and the sign specifies alignment for left alignment for right alignment . So if you..
Localization of DisplayNameAttribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/356464/localization-of-displaynameattribute each string would refer to the name of a resource that specifies the actual string public static class ResourceStrings public..
Question about terminating a thread cleanly in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3632149/question-about-terminating-a-thread-cleanly-in-net event was signalled. The WaitOne takes a parameter that specifies how much time to wait for the call to return if the event was..
How do you read a file which is in use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709104/how-do-you-read-a-file-which-is-in-use stream while reader.EndOfStream The FileAccess specifies what YOU want to do with the file. The FileShare specifies what.. specifies what YOU want to do with the file. The FileShare specifies what OTHERS can do with the file while you have it in use. In..
LINQ to Entities group-by failure using .date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4188066/linq-to-entities-group-by-failure-using-date
What does new() mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4236854/what-does-new-mean share improve this question It's the new constraint . It specifies that T must not be abstract and must expose a public parameterless..
Why can't I declare an enum inheriting from Byte but I can from byte? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005319/why-cant-i-declare-an-enum-inheriting-from-byte-but-i-can-from-byte it's according to the specification §14.1 . The grammar specifies that the production for enum declaration is enum declaration..
MVC 3: How to render a view without its layout page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5318385/mvc-3-how-to-render-a-view-without-its-layout-page root of the Views folder and thus applies to all views. It specifies that all views should use _Layout.cshtml for their layout page...
Access a Remote Directory from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433570/access-a-remote-directory-from-c-sharp name netResource A see cref NetResource structure that specifies details of the proposed connection such as information about..
Constructors and Inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/617336/constructors-and-inheritance a bad thing in some cases because maybe your base class specifies parameters that don't make sense for your derived classes. A..
Querying an LDAP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6452531/querying-an-ldap have a look to LDAP C Binding API as discribed in RFC 1823 specifies Microsoft support it see MS Strategy for Lightweight Directory..
CORS Support within WCF REST Services http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7234599/cors-support-within-wcf-rest-services occurs when I try to call the service from a browser. CORS specifies that cross origin requests should only be allowed if the origin..
How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1011245/how-can-i-send-emails-through-ssl-smtp-with-the-net-framework sending the message using the network. smtpauthenticate Specifies the mechanism used when authenticating to an SMTP service over..
C# internal static extern with InternalCall attribute - internal or external? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1211462/c-sharp-internal-static-extern-with-internalcall-attribute-internal-or-externa attribute which indicates MSDN link Specifies an internal call. An internal call is a call to a method that..
Environment.CurrentDirectory is yielding unexpected results when running installed app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1343406/environment-currentdirectory-is-yielding-unexpected-results-when-running-install Menu shortcut has a property called WorkingFolder which Specifies the folder where the target application for the shortcut will..
Programatically adding Images to RTF Document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1490734/programatically-adding-images-to-rtf-document a PNG. jpegblip Source of the picture is a JPEG. shppict Specifies a Word 97 2000 picture. This is a destination control word... picture. This is a destination control word. nonshppict Specifies that Word 97 2000 has written a pict destination that it will..
Getting List Of Installed Products c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17274073/getting-list-of-installed-products-c-sharp all products in the specified context. userSid String Specifies a security identifier SID that restricts the context of enumeration... context only userSid must be null. context UserContexts Specifies the user context. that wraps the Win32 MSI API MsiEnumProductsEx..
SetWindowsHookEx in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1811383/setwindowshookex-in-c-sharp code associated with the current process. dwThreadId in Specifies the identifier of the thread with which the hook procedure is..
Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2563724/accessing-password-protected-network-drives-in-windows-in-c value is not supported. summary NewCredentials 9 summary Specifies the logon provider. summary internal enum LogonProvider int..
Form allow click-through in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2798245/form-allow-click-through-in-c-sharp Creates a layered window . 0x20 WS_EX_TRANSPARENT Specifies that a window created with this style should not be painted..
How to disable the minimize button in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/319124/how-to-disable-the-minimize-button-in-c ref m Browsable true Category Behavior Description Specifies whether to allow the window to minimize when the minimize button..
Implementation of Lazy<T> for .NET 3.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3207580/implementation-of-lazyt-for-net-3-5 support for lazy initialization. summary typeparam name T Specifies the type of object that is being lazily initialized. typeparam..
Access a Remote Directory from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433570/access-a-remote-directory-from-c-sharp that are not currently connected. summary param name name Specifies the name of either the redirected local device or the remote.. effect on persistent connections. param param name force Specifies whether the disconnection should occur if there are open files..
Attributes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726029/attributes-in-c-sharp to persist its current state into a stream. NonSerialized Specifies that a given field in a class or structure should not be persisted..
Why Visual Studio doesn't create a public class by default? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/824555/why-visual-studio-doesnt-create-a-public-class-by-default a new attribute called InternalsVisibleToAttribute which Specifies that types that are ordinarily visible only within the current..
How to send a string to other application including Microsoft Word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8884763/how-to-send-a-string-to-other-application-including-microsoft-word be sent to the foreground application. public ushort wScan Specifies various aspects of a keystroke. See the KEYEVENTF_ constants..