c# Programming Glossary: specially
C#: Test if string is a guid without throwing exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/104850/c-test-if-string-is-a-guid-without-throwing-exceptions by a user. If they enter GUID's I want to process them specially such as specifically searching for that object or highlight..
Detecting moved files using FileSystemWatcher http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286114/detecting-moved-files-using-filesystemwatcher normal Delete or Create. At the OS level a move is treated specially you can move say a 1GB file almost instantaneously. A couple..
Properly locking a List<T> in MultiThreaded Scenarios? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1362995/properly-locking-a-listt-in-multithreaded-scenarios results. We can use any token so we often create one specially private static object _listLock new object And then use lock..
Custom Compiler Warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154109/custom-compiler-warnings don't believe it's possible. ObsoleteAttribute is treated specially by the compiler and is defined in the C# standard. Why on earth..
How do I print out a tree structure? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1649027/how-do-i-print-out-a-tree-structure to pass a string as the indent and to treat the last child specially class Node public void PrintPretty string indent bool last Console.Write..
Finding quoted strings with escaped quotes in C# using a regular expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148587/finding-quoted-strings-with-escaped-quotes-in-c-sharp-using-a-regular-expression string literal and those tend to treat certain characters specially i.e. backslashes and quotation marks. Fortunately C#'s verbatim..
Is it worthwhile to initialize the collection size of a List<T> if it's size reasonably known? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2247773/is-it-worthwhile-to-initialize-the-collection-size-of-a-listt-if-its-size-rea from the Large Object Heap. Objects on the LOH are treated specially. They are only garbage collected during a generation 2 collection...
Why use TagBuilder instead of StringBuilder? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3043654/why-use-tagbuilder-instead-of-stringbuilder share improve this question TagBuilder is a class that specially designed for creating html tags and their content. You are right..
c# - approach for saving user settings in a WPF application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3784477/c-sharp-approach-for-saving-user-settings-in-a-wpf-application the time consumed to read and write the settings specially if you use web services . Here are few links which explains..
C# WebClient disable cache http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812089/c-sharp-webclient-disable-cache CDN server to you hasn't finished updating. In any case specially if you are always requesting the same file over and over or..
Where is the implementation of InternalEquals(object objA, object objB) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/384294/where-is-the-implementation-of-internalequalsobject-obja-object-objb TRUE Since we are in FCALL we must handle NULL specially. if pThisRef NULL pCompareRef NULL FC_RETURN_BOOL FALSE MethodTable..
ASP.NET MVC $.post call returning string…need help with format for jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101116/asp-net-mvc-post-call-returning-string-need-help-with-format-for-jqgrid instead of value property. This features are introduced specially for the usage in AJAX. The dataUrl defines url provided results..
Why is TypedReference behind the scenes? It's so fast and safe… almost magical! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764573/why-is-typedreference-behind-the-scenes-its-so-fast-and-safe-almost-magical taking a TypedReference without making the TypedReference specially handled by the runtime basically making them equivalent to their.. any feature it may become a roadblock to new features especially since this one doesn't really fit in the design of C# and requires..
Is is possible to export functions from a C# DLL like in VS C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4818850/is-is-possible-to-export-functions-from-a-c-sharp-dll-like-in-vs-c
Why GetType returns System.Int32 instead of Nullable<Int32>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6931783/why-gettype-returns-system-int32-instead-of-nullableint32 call System.Console.WriteLine Nullable types are treated specially by CLR it is impossible to have a boxed instance of a nullable..
Which .NET Memcached client do you use, EnyimMemcached vs. BeITMemcached? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/694928/which-net-memcached-client-do-you-use-enyimmemcached-vs-beitmemcached http memcached.enyim.com that based on our non disclosed specially handcrafted in house performance test we're the fastest C# client..
Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070011/writing-large-number-of-records-bulk-insert-to-access-in-net-c a data table with a data adapter would be prove useful. Especially since I thought that I could do batch inserts using the UpdateBatchSize.. Outputing date fields is tricky. I had to format them specially someDate.ToString yyyy MM dd HH mm and then set up a special.. simply the best way to interact between Access and .NET especially when you need to write out large number of records. Also it..