c# Programming Glossary: sqldataadapter
SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1676753/sqldataadapter-vs-sqldatareader vs SqlDataReader What are the differences between using SqlDataAdapter.. vs SqlDataReader What are the differences between using SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader for getting data from a DB I am specifically.. one iteration Allows you start processing results sooner SqlDataAdapter DataSet Lets you close the connection as soon it's done loading..
How to bind a table in a dataset to a WPF datagrid in C# and XAML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2511177/how-to-bind-a-table-in-a-dataset-to-a-wpf-datagrid-in-c-sharp-and-xaml cmd.CommandText SELECT FROM HumanResources.Employee SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds return ds.Tables 0 .DefaultView.. SELECT FROM HumanResources.Employee SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds return ds.Tables 0 .DefaultView share improve..
GridView Hide Column by code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3819247/gridview-hide-column-by-code ID desc SqlCommand command new SqlCommand sql connection SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter command DataSet ds new DataSet da.Fill.. new SqlCommand sql connection SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter command DataSet ds new DataSet da.Fill ds return ds c# asp.net..
Different ways of passing sqlCommand parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624811/different-ways-of-passing-sqlcommand-parameters SqlDbType.VarChar 4 .Value type cmd.Connection.Open using SqlDataAdapter adapter new SqlDataAdapter cmd adapter.Fill ds use data Now.. type cmd.Connection.Open using SqlDataAdapter adapter new SqlDataAdapter cmd adapter.Fill ds use data Now there are several ways to..
Read SQL Table into C# DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6073382/read-sql-table-into-c-sharp-datatable new SqlCommand query conn conn.Open create data adapter SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter cmd this will query your database and.. conn conn.Open create data adapter SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter cmd this will query your database and return the result to your..
Query extremely slow in code but fast in SSMS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7637907/query-extremely-slow-in-code-but-fast-in-ssms User ID backendAPI Password Redacted using var ada new SqlDataAdapter String.Format @ SELECT PK_JOB CLIENT_ID STATUS LOG_NAME dt FROM..
Convert Dataset to XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8384014/convert-dataset-to-xml connectionString string sql select from support SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter sql con DataSet ds new DataSet Test da.Fill.. string sql select from support SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter sql con DataSet ds new DataSet Test da.Fill ds support Convert..
How To Change DataType of a DataColumn in a DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028029/how-to-change-datatype-of-a-datacolumn-in-a-datatable DatabaseName Integrated Security SSPI Connect Timeout 120 SqlDataAdapter adapter new SqlDataAdapter Select from TableName Connection.. SSPI Connect Timeout 120 SqlDataAdapter adapter new SqlDataAdapter Select from TableName Connection adapter.FillSchema Table SchemaType.Source..
Return value from SQL Server Insert command using c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9319532/return-value-from-sql-server-insert-command-using-c-sharp for this I have another problem I have SqlDataReader and SqlDataAdapter at my disposal. As far as I know the former is for reading data..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren Promotion WHERE PromotionID @PromotionID using var da new SqlDataAdapter queryString connection you could also use a SqlDataReader instead..
How to display DataGridView Vertically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9758260/how-to-display-datagridview-vertically @scute_id SqlDbType.VarChar 10 .Value val SqlDataAdapter adapt new SqlDataAdapter cmd DataSet dset new DataSet adapt.Fill.. SqlDbType.VarChar 10 .Value val SqlDataAdapter adapt new SqlDataAdapter cmd DataSet dset new DataSet adapt.Fill dset Profile this.dataGridView1.DataSource..