c# Programming Glossary: specified
How to use localization in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1142802/how-to-use-localization-in-c-sharp for a resource for fr FR . It will not find one since we specified fr in your file . It will then fall back to checking for fr..
Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/202011/encrypt-decrypt-string-in-net bytes Create a RijndaelManaged object with the specified key and IV. aesAlg new RijndaelManaged aesAlg.Key key.GetBytes..
Creating a byte array from a stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221925/creating-a-byte-array-from-a-stream will keep going until the end of the stream or your specified size but you still have to know the size to start with. The..
Creating application shortcut in a directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/234231/creating-application-shortcut-in-a-directory the .NET framework The result would be a .lnk file to the specified application or URL. c# .net file io shortcut share improve..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp parameters 4 7 are optional. But if parameter 6 is specified 7 9 are required to be filled in as well... Had we created a..
Creating a DateTime in a specific Time Zone in c# fx 3.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246498/creating-a-datetime-in-a-specific-time-zone-in-c-sharp-fx-3-5 to be either the local timezone the UTC timezone or not specified. How do I create a DateTime with a specific timezone like PST..
Casting: (NewType) vs. Object as NewType [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2483/casting-newtype-vs-object-as-newtype Normally they should both be explicit casts to the specified type c# .net share improve this question The former will..
High Quality Image Scaling C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249587/high-quality-image-scaling-c-sharp lookup return encoders summary Resize the image to the specified width and height. summary param name image The image to resize... 100 with 100 being the highest quality. A value of 0 was specified. quality throw a helpful exception throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException.. class so here you go. resize the image to the specified height and width using var resized ImageUtilities.ResizeImage..
Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259026/why-doesnt-c-sharp-allow-static-methods-to-implement-an-interface Bar This doesn't make sense to me semantically. Methods specified on an interface should be there to specify the contract for..
Using AES encryption in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273452/using-aes-encryption-in-c-sharp byte encrypted Create an RijndaelManaged object with the specified key and IV. using RijndaelManaged rijAlg new RijndaelManaged.. plaintext null Create an RijndaelManaged object with the specified key and IV. using RijndaelManaged rijAlg new RijndaelManaged..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737525/how-do-i-build-a-json-object-to-send-to-an-ajax-webservice alert response The ajax function is submitting everything specified in data which is where my problem is. How do I build a properly..
How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2771094/how-do-i-create-a-custom-membership-provider-for-asp-net-mvc-2 Default is null indicating to use the master page of the specified view. summary public virtual string MasterName get set summary..
How do I convert Word files to PDF programmatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/607669/how-do-i-convert-word-files-to-pdf-programmatically System.Reflection.Missing.Value Get list of Word files in specified directory DirectoryInfo dirInfo new DirectoryInfo @ server folder..
MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689355/metadataexception-unable-to-load-the-specified-metadata-resource Unable to load the specified metadata resource All of a sudden I keep getting a MetadataException..
Anyone know a good workaround for the lack of an enum generic constraint? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7244/anyone-know-a-good-workaround-for-the-lack-of-an-enum-generic-constraint MyFlags.A MyFlags.C Should it check that all the specified flags are set That would be my expectation. I'll try to do this..
Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923771/quickest-way-to-convert-a-base-10-number-to-any-base-in-net a number to its equivalent string representation in a specified base. Example string binary Convert.ToString 5 2 convert 5 to..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren improvement but the opposite. If the maximum pool size specified 100 is the default is reached you would even get exceptions..
Why can't I unbox an int as a decimal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085097/why-cant-i-unbox-an-int-as-a-decimal this throws an invalid cast exception saying that the Specified cast is not valid. When I do reader 0 .GetType it tells me that..
WCF will not return an int http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12964759/wcf-will-not-return-an-int out int ReturnAnIntResult out bool ReturnAnIntResultSpecified I have been banging my head against a wall over this for hours.. references and haven't seen such an issue I've only seen a Specified property and that as a property alongside the int not as two..
Getting incorrect decryption value using AesCryptoServiceProvider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14937707/getting-incorrect-decryption-value-using-aescryptoserviceprovider many characters to create a byte array for my AES method Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm Encryption with AES..
WCF service proxy not setting “FieldSpecified” property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1680356/wcf-service-proxy-not-setting-fieldspecified-property service proxy not setting &ldquo FieldSpecified&rdquo property I've got a WCF DataContract that looks like.. System.DateTime editDateField private bool editDateFieldSpecified remarks System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute Order 0.. public bool EditDateSpecified get return this.editDateFieldSpecified set this.editDateFieldSpecified..
Base64 decode in C# or Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1915898/base64-decode-in-c-sharp-or-java f new File inputFile if f.exists throw new IOException Specified File could not be found open file stream from file FileInputStream..
XML Serialization and Inherited Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20084/xml-serialization-and-inherited-types param name data Concrete Object of the AbstractType Specified. param public AbstractXmlSerializer AbstractType data _data.. typeAttrib reader.GetAttribute type Ensure the Type was Specified if typeAttrib null throw new ArgumentNullException Unable to..
Serialize a nullable int http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244953/serialize-a-nullable-int ShouldSerializeID return ID.HasValue There is also the Foo Specified pattern not sure if XmlSerializer supports that one. share..
IEnumerable.Cast<> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2760804/ienumerable-cast doubleNumbers2 intNumbers.Cast double .ToArray I get a Specified cast is not valid InvalidCastException exception. Doing the..
Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2919228/specified-key-is-not-a-valid-size-for-this-algorithm key is not a valid size for this algorithm I have with this.. I get throws Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm. Specified initialization.. Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm. Specified initialization vector IV does not match the block size for this..
WebBrowser document cast not valid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/315938/webbrowser-document-cast-not-valid error Exception Type System.InvalidCastException Message Specified cast is not valid. Source System.Windows.Forms Stack Trace at..
How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699938/how-to-download-the-file-using-httpwebrequest-and-httpwebresponse-classcookies will. I need to read the File Data and write save it in a Specified Location. The Code I'm using is. string username string password..
c# isn't a Int64 equal to a long? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5260314/c-sharp-isnt-a-int64-equal-to-a-long 0 recordCount long selectCommand.ExecuteScalar Error is Specified cast is not valid. Update I can read BingInt into a Long not..
C#/SQL - What's wrong with SqlDbType.Xml in procedures? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574928/c-sql-whats-wrong-with-sqldbtype-xml-in-procedures SqlDbTypes work well and this one retruns error Error Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name..
Overriding a property with an attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/592671/overriding-a-property-with-an-attribute to control things. One option is to use the propertyName Specified pattern to turn ON or OFF the property in XML Serialization... DateTime LastModified XmlIgnore public bool LastModifiedSpecified Then if LastModifiedSpecified is false in an instance the LastModified.. public bool LastModifiedSpecified Then if LastModifiedSpecified is false in an instance the LastModified field will not be serialized..
How to access the Description attribute on either a property or a const in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/695730/how-to-access-the-description-attribute-on-either-a-property-or-a-const-in-c or a property i.e. public static class Group Description Specified parent child relationship already exists. public const int ParentChildRelationshipExists.. 2 or public static class Group Description Specified parent child relationship already exists. public static int..