c# Programming Glossary: sql2008
LINQ to SQL: Updating without Refresh when ?œUpdateCheck = Never??/a> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11189688/linq-to-sql-updating-without-refresh-when-updatecheck-never
LINQ to SQL using GROUP BY and COUNT(DISTINCT) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448203/linq-to-sql-using-group-by-and-countdistinct @p0 Input Int Size 0 Prec 0 Scale 0 16 Context SqlProvider Sql2008 Model AttributedMetaModel Build 3.5.30729.1 Any help will be.. Input NVarChar Size 0 Prec 0 Scale 0 Context SqlProvider Sql2008 Model AttributedMetaModel Build 3.5.30729.1 The results however..
TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690892/transactionscope-automatically-escalating-to-msdtc-on-some-machines info on the machines that it works on Dev 1 Windows 7 x64 SQL2008 Dev 2 Windows 7 x86 SQL2008 Dev 3 Windows 7 x64 SQL2005 SQL2008.. works on Dev 1 Windows 7 x64 SQL2008 Dev 2 Windows 7 x86 SQL2008 Dev 3 Windows 7 x64 SQL2005 SQL2008 Developers it doesn't work.. Dev 2 Windows 7 x86 SQL2008 Dev 3 Windows 7 x64 SQL2005 SQL2008 Developers it doesn't work on Dev 4 Windows 7 x64 SQL2008 SQL2005..
The underlying provider failed on Open http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2475008/the-underlying-provider-failed-on-open provider connection string quot Data Source . SQL2008 AttachDbFilename DataDirectory NData.mdf Integrated Security.. provider connection string quot Data Source . SQL2008 Initial Catalog NData Integrated Security True Connect Timeout..
Entity Framework/SQL2008 - How to Automatically Update LastModified fields for Entities? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3879011/entity-framework-sql2008-how-to-automatically-update-lastmodified-fields-for-e Framework SQL2008 How to Automatically Update LastModified fields for Entities..
Encrypting a BouncyCastle RSA Key Pair and storing in a SQL2008 database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/844997/encrypting-a-bouncycastle-rsa-key-pair-and-storing-in-a-sql2008-database a BouncyCastle RSA Key Pair and storing in a SQL2008 database I have a function that generates a BouncyCastle RSA.. store the encrypted private and public keys into separate SQL2008 database fields. I am using the following to get the keypair.. the Public Key what format should I be storing this in the SQL2008 database nvarchar 256 or other Any help would be greatly appreciated...