c# Programming Glossary: queue.count
C# Producer/Consumer pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1371249/c-sharp-producer-consumer-pattern queue.Enqueue item Console.WriteLine Producing 0 item if queue.Count 1 first Monitor.PulseAll lockObject public class Consumer.. void consume string item while true lock lockObject if queue.Count 0 Monitor.Wait lockObject continue item queue.Dequeue ..
C# : Monitor - Wait,Pulse,PulseAll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1559293/c-sharp-monitor-wait-pulse-pulseall the conditions before continuing as an example while queue.Count maxSize Monitor.Wait queue With this approach I can safely..
C# producer/consumer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1656404/c-sharp-producer-consumer In that case we'll have to wait for another pulse. while queue.Count 0 This releases listLock only reacquiring it after being..
GetProperties() to return all properties for an interface inheritance hierarchy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/358835/getproperties-to-return-all-properties-for-an-interface-inheritance-hierarchy Queue Type considered.Add type queue.Enqueue type while queue.Count 0 var subType queue.Dequeue foreach var subInterface in subType.GetInterfaces..
Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530211/creating-a-blocking-queuet-in-net maxSize public void Enqueue T item lock queue while queue.Count maxSize Monitor.Wait queue queue.Enqueue item if queue.Count.. maxSize Monitor.Wait queue queue.Enqueue item if queue.Count 1 wake up any blocked dequeue Monitor.PulseAll queue public.. queue public T Dequeue lock queue while queue.Count 0 Monitor.Wait queue T item queue.Dequeue if queue.Count..
C#: Triggering an Event when an object is added to a Queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/531438/c-triggering-an-event-when-an-object-is-added-to-a-queue queue.Enqueue item OnChanged public int Count get return queue.Count public virtual T Dequeue T item queue.Dequeue OnChanged return..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions in document3.childNodes queue.Enqueue eachChild while queue.Count 0 replacing desired text with a highlighted version of it..