c# Programming Glossary: query.where
How to check for the presence of an OrderBy in a ObjectQuery<T> expression tree http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225481/how-to-check-for-the-presence-of-an-orderby-in-a-objectqueryt-expression-tree
C# PredicateBuilder Entities: The parameter 'f' was not bound in the specified LINQ to Entities query expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2947820/c-sharp-predicatebuilder-entities-the-parameter-f-was-not-bound-in-the-specif ConstructOptionMatchPredicate optionIds .Expand query query.Where predicate.Expand return query Query is an IQueryable which..
Creating dynamic queries with entity framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5541234/creating-dynamic-queries-with-entity-framework is specified in the filter if filter.FilterByName query query.Where t t.Name filter.NameFrom t.Name filter.NameTo if filter.FilterByQuantity.. t.Name filter.NameTo if filter.FilterByQuantity query query.Where t t.Quantity filter.QuantityFrom t.Quantity filter.QuantityTo..
How can I build Entity Framework queries dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5881107/how-can-i-build-entity-framework-queries-dynamically NetworkLog not sure if you need conversion here query query.Where x x.Computer.User.UserKey userKey if computerId 0 query query.Where.. x x.Computer.User.UserKey userKey if computerId 0 query query.Where x x.Computer.Id computerId .. and so on query query.OrderByDescending..
LINQ to SQL Where Clause Optional Criteria http://stackoverflow.com/questions/632434/linq-to-sql-where-clause-optional-criteria add additional where constraints. if condition query query.Where i i.PONumber ABC I am not sure how to code this with the query..
Expression.Lambda and query generation at runtime, simplest “Where” example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315819/expression-lambda-and-query-generation-at-runtime-simplest-where-example improve this question In the following query var result query.Where item item.Name Soap the lambda expression is item item.Name..
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898925/is-there-a-reason-for-cs-reuse-of-the-variable-in-a-foreach pitfall. For example foreach var s in strings query query.Where i i.Prop s access to modified closure Due to the modified closure..