c# Programming Glossary: query
LINQ query on a DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10855/linq-query-on-a-datatable query on a DataTable I'm trying to perform a LINQ query on a DataTable.. query on a DataTable I'm trying to perform a LINQ query on a DataTable object and bizarrely I am finding that performing.. linq .net 3.5 share improve this question You can't query against the DataTable 's Rows collection since DataRowCollection..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp new OleDbConnection dbConnectionString con.Open Create a query and fill the data table with the data from the DB string sql..
What are the correct version numbers for C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247621/what-are-the-correct-version-numbers-for-c expression trees anonymous types implicit typing var query expressions C# 4.0 released with .NET 4 and VS2010 April 2010..
Returning IEnumerable<T> vs IQueryable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2876616/returning-ienumerablet-vs-iqueryablet vs IQueryable T what is the difference between returning iqueryable vs ienumerable. IQueryable Customer custs from c in db.Customers.. preferred over the other c# linq linq to sql ienumerable iqueryable share improve this question Yes both will give you deferred.. to anything really to work. So if you further refine your query on an IQueryable T that query will be executed in the database..
Performance differences between debug and release builds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043821/performance-differences-between-debug-and-release-builds code that runs elsewhere. Reading a file executing a dbase query etc. Making the work the JIT optimizer does completely invisible...
The entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5325797/the-entity-cannot-be-constructed-in-a-linq-to-entities-query entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query There is an entity type called product that is generated by.. that is generated by entity framework. I have writen this query public IQueryable Product GetProducts int categoryID return.. Shop.Product cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query var products productRepository.GetProducts 1 .Tolist But when..
How do parameterized queries help against SQL injection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5468425/how-do-parameterized-queries-help-against-sql-injection the database. What's the significance of the parameterized query here 1. SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand INSERT INTO dbo.Cars.. characters. c# .net sql sql server 2005 parameterized query share improve this question Parameterized queries do proper.. proper substitution of arguments prior to running the SQL query. It completely removes the possibility of dirty input changing..
Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564366/convert-generic-list-enumerable-to-datatable for the object type T . edit re performance query here's a test rig with results Vanilla 27179 Hyper 6997 I suspect..
LINQ to read XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670563/linq-to-read-xml this. Load xml XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load data.xml Run query var lv1s from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants level1 select new Header..
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898925/is-there-a-reason-for-cs-reuse-of-the-variable-in-a-foreach closure pitfall. For example foreach var s in strings query query.Where i i.Prop s access to modified closure Due to the.. pitfall. For example foreach var s in strings query query.Where i i.Prop s access to modified closure Due to the modified.. the above code will cause all of the Where clauses on the query to be based on the final value of s . As explained here this..
Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164698/using-excel-oledb-to-get-sheet-names-in-sheet-order if you want too... for int j 0 j excelSheets.Length j Query each excel sheet. return excelSheets catch Exception ex return..
How to Query an NTP Server using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1193955/how-to-query-an-ntp-server-using-c to Query an NTP Server using C# All I need is a way to query an NTP..
How to simulate browser HTTP POST request and capture result in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2071321/how-to-simulate-browser-http-post-request-and-capture-result-in-c-sharp and can also initialize this request by himself via URL Query strings . We all know that. Here is the question. What if this..
LINQ - Fluent and Query Expression - Is there any benefit(s) of one over other? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/214500/linq-fluent-and-query-expression-is-there-any-benefits-of-one-over-other Fluent and Query Expression Is there any benefit s of one over other closed .. question Neither is better they serve different needs. Query syntax comes into its own when you want to leverage multiple..
What to use: var or object name type? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236878/what-to-use-var-or-object-name-type in Anonymous Types Object and Collection Initializers and Query Expressions where that was the intent to use the var anonymous..
SQL Query slow in .NET application but instantaneous in SQL Server Management Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2736638/sql-query-slow-in-net-application-but-instantaneous-in-sql-server-management-st Query slow in .NET application but instantaneous in SQL Server Management..
Query Microsoft Access MDB Database using LINQ and C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/295772/query-microsoft-access-mdb-database-using-linq-and-c-sharp Microsoft Access MDB Database using LINQ and C# I have a .MDB..
How to validate domain credentials? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326818/how-to-validate-domain-credentials Username STACKOVERFLOW joel Password splotchy Method 1. Query Active Directory with Impersonation A lot of people suggest..
linq to entities case sensitive comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3843060/linq-to-entities-case-sensitive-comparison Collation and that is NOT case sensitive. Using ObjectQuery.ToTraceString to see the generated SQL query that has been actually.. submitted to SQL Server reveals the mystery string sqlQuery ObjectQuery context.Thingies .Where t t.Name ThingamaBob .ToTraceString.. to SQL Server reveals the mystery string sqlQuery ObjectQuery context.Thingies .Where t t.Name ThingamaBob .ToTraceString..
What is Linq and what does it do? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/471502/what-is-linq-and-what-does-it-do this question Linq stands for Language Integrated Query Instead of writing YAQL yet another query language MS language.. not Expressions. Linq To Anything examine System.Linq.Queryable for some query methods. These target IQueryable T allowing.. for some query methods. These target IQueryable T allowing the construction of Expression Trees that can..
LINQ to SQL: Multiple joins ON multiple Columns. Is this possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5307731/linq-to-sql-multiple-joins-on-multiple-columns-is-this-possible ... and query continues on etc. Problem I need that Query to be rewritten in LINQ. I've tried taking a stab at it var..
Query an XDocument for elements by name at any depth http://stackoverflow.com/questions/566167/query-an-xdocument-for-elements-by-name-at-any-depth an XDocument for elements by name at any depth I have an XDocument..
Parameterized Query for MySQL with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/652978/parameterized-query-for-mysql-with-c-sharp Query for MySQL with C# I have the code below I've included what..
Query extremely slow in code but fast in SSMS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7637907/query-extremely-slow-in-code-but-fast-in-ssms extremely slow in code but fast in SSMS I have a fairly simple.. pass in the explicit length to prevent cache pollution see Query performance and plan cache issues when parameter length not..
How to convert a String to its equivalent Expression Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/821365/how-to-convert-a-string-to-its-equivalent-expression-tree to use the Dynamic Linq Library specifically the Dynamic Query class provided in the LINQSamples. Code below using System using..
Whats the difference between WCF Web API and ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9451298/whats-the-difference-between-wcf-web-api-and-asp-net-web-api and custom formatters Model binding and validation Filters Query composition Easy to unit test Improved Inversion of Control..