c# Programming Glossary: quadrant
Setting position of a Console Window opened in a WinForms App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1548838/setting-position-of-a-console-window-opened-in-a-winforms-app random switching around of where in the upper left quadrant of the screen it appeared. Where the Console window opens seems..
What is a catamorphism and can it be implemented in C# 3.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/196294/what-is-a-catamorphism-and-can-it-be-implemented-in-c-sharp-3-0 canvas.Children.Add tb left child in bottom left quadrant l AddT trans TranslateT 0.0 0.5 ScaleT 0.5 0.5 new TransformGroup.. 0.5 0.5 new TransformGroup right child in bottom right quadrant r AddT trans TranslateT 0.5 0.5 ScaleT 0.5 0.5 new TransformGroup..
Regular expression for parsing mailing addresses http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642602/regular-expression-for-parsing-mailing-addresses constants contain all of the relevant street types and quadrants respectively. I've included a subset here private const string.. . string addressParseRegEx @ ix ^ s housenumber d s quadrant QUADRANTS @ s streetname S s S s quadrant QUADRANTS @ .. d s quadrant QUADRANTS @ s streetname S s S s quadrant QUADRANTS @ s streettype STREETTYPES @ s streettypequalifier..