c# Programming Glossary: quantity
add data to existing xml file using linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12783525/add-data-to-existing-xml-file-using-linq Toothpaste productname brandname Colgate brandname quantity 12 quantity price 10 price items items productname Toothpaste.. productname brandname Colgate brandname quantity 12 quantity price 10 price items items productname Toothpaste productname.. Toothpaste productname brandname Pepsodent brandname quantity 20 quantity price 12 price items stock I need to add productname..
How can I update a cell value in a dB table, using SQL Server CE and C# (Visual Studio 2010) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13235527/how-can-i-update-a-cell-value-in-a-db-table-using-sql-server-ce-and-c-sharp-vi In particular I'm looking to update the cell showing the quantity of a film in stock after someone rents a movie. So far I've.. been trying this string updateDVDs UPDATE Products SET dvd_quantity product.Quantity WHERE title ' product.Name ' cmdUpdateDVDs.. the code to this string updateDVDs UPDATE Products SET dvd_quantity product.Quantity WHERE title ' product.Name ' dBConnection new..
Why am I getting strange results bit-shifting by a negative value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1881455/why-am-i-getting-strange-results-bit-shifting-by-a-negative-value a1sway8w.aspx If first operand is an int or uint 32 bit quantity the shift count is given by the low order five bits of second..
Get Method Name Using Lambda Expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2314329/get-method-name-using-lambda-expression class Order public void AddItem string itemNumber int quantity This is how I would like to define the access policy through..
What naming conventions do you use in C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/306894/what-naming-conventions-do-you-use-in-c
Are C# Strings (and other .NET API's) limited to 2GB in size? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106945/are-c-sharp-strings-and-other-net-apis-limited-to-2gb-in-size of string as a data structure meant to store an unlimited quantity of text you've got unrealistic expectations. When it comes to..
Using LINQ to find item in a List but get “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3244336/using-linq-to-find-item-in-a-list-but-get-value-cannot-be-null-parameter-name isn't Description already a string int quantity Convert.ToInt32 itmss.Item.Quantity wouldn't int or as int be.. return new WeeklyStockList name code description quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 also add this as a method LineItem GetLineItem..
Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4164114/posting-json-data-to-asp-net-mvc public class LineItem public string reference public int quantity public decimal amount C# Controller public JsonResult GetData..
Understanding floating point problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4664662/understanding-floating-point-problems This means they cannot hold an exact representation of any quantity that is not a binary fraction of the form k 2 ^ n where k and..
Curious null-coalescing operator custom implicit conversion behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6256847/curious-null-coalescing-operator-custom-implicit-conversion-behaviour
In SQL, how to multiply data of two columns for third column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6531228/in-sql-how-to-multiply-data-of-two-columns-for-third-column Price I want to multiply as user enters the data for quantity and rate like Quantity 2 rate 50 automatically in price column..
System crashing when the print button is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6953471/system-crashing-when-the-print-button-is-clicked on your problem description sounds like this could be rows quantity limit. By the way check out the link. Regards. share improve..
MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048726/mvc3-unobtrusive-validation-not-working-after-ajax-call BatchWorkflow ' data item item success function result #quantityContainer .html result.toString #quantityContainer .show 100.. result #quantityContainer .html result.toString #quantityContainer .show 100 RebindValidation error function req status.. BatchWorkflow new category Model.Category @ div div id quantityContainer style display none @ @ Html.RenderAction RenderPartialForUOMByItem..
How to create Encrypted PayNow button “on the fly” for Third-party customers, using Paypal NVP API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939960/how-to-create-encrypted-paynow-button-on-the-fly-for-third-party-customers-us EUR bvCount bvCount 1 NVP.Add L_BUTTONVAR bvCount quantity 1 ''build the parameter string Dim paramBuilder As New StringBuilder.. EUR bvCount bvCount 1 NVP.Add L_BUTTONVAR bvCount quantity 1 ''bvCount bvCount 1 NVP.Add L_BUTTONVAR bvCount cmd _s xclick.. EUR bvCount NVP.Add L_BUTTONVAR bvCount.ToString quantity 1 bvCount bvCount 1 NVP.Add L_BUTTONVAR bvCount cmd _s xclick..
Creating a nested repeater control dynamically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1220715/creating-a-nested-repeater-control-dynamically dynamically I want to display Customers Sales Orders Quantity in a nested repeater control. Any help will be greatly appreciated...
Multiple group by and Sum LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541030/multiple-group-by-and-sum-linq new new SaleDate new DateTime 2009 10 22 Product Soap Quantity 10 new SaleDate new DateTime 2009 09 22 Product Pills Quantity.. 10 new SaleDate new DateTime 2009 09 22 Product Pills Quantity 5 new SaleDate new DateTime 2009 09 25 Product Soap Quantity.. 5 new SaleDate new DateTime 2009 09 25 Product Soap Quantity 6 new SaleDate new DateTime 2009 09 25 Product Pills Quantity..
C#.NET :How to Sort a List <T> by a property in the object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3309188/c-net-how-to-sort-a-list-t-by-a-property-in-the-object called Order which has properties as OrderId OrderDate Quantity Total. I have a List of this Order class. List Order objListOrder..
How to serialize/deserialize simple classes to XML and back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3356976/how-to-serialize-deserialize-simple-classes-to-xml-and-back public class CartItem public int SkuID get set public int Quantity get set public double ExtendedCost get set Let's say I build..
In SQL, how to multiply data of two columns for third column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6531228/in-sql-how-to-multiply-data-of-two-columns-for-third-column and show it in the third column. For example 1st Column Quantity 2nd Column Rate 3rd Column Price I want to multiply as user.. as user enters the data for quantity and rate like Quantity 2 rate 50 automatically in price column I want 100 to be mentioned...
Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6879529/using-a-partial-class-property-inside-linq-statement get set public Decimal Price get set public Int32 Quantity get set This class is generated from the db model. I have another.. Line public Decimal Total get return this.Price this.Quantity Now from my customer controller I want to do something like.. Func Line Decimal Total get return l l.Price l.Quantity public partial class Invoice public static Expression Func..
How can I fix this up to do generic conversion to Nullable<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/793714/how-can-i-fix-this-up-to-do-generic-conversion-to-nullablet it to do conversions from string types like so packageDb.Quantity package.package.ElementDeep Namespace PackageQuantity Namespace.. package.package.ElementDeep Namespace PackageQuantity Namespace ActualQuantity Namespace Quantity .ValueOrNull .To.. Namespace PackageQuantity Namespace ActualQuantity Namespace Quantity .ValueOrNull .To int If Convert.ChangeType..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model their orders. The orders collection has a property called Quantity amongst many others that needs to be editable. @model ViewModels.MyViewModels.Theme.. var order in product.Orders @Html.TextBoxFor order.Quantity @Html.TextAreaFor order.Note @Html.EditorFor order.DateRequestedDeliveryFor.. themeIndex .Products productIndex .Orders orderIndex .Quantity @Html.TextAreaFor model model.Theme themeIndex .Products productIndex..