c# Programming Glossary: quiet
How to convert HTML to XHTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138555/how-to-convert-html-to-xhtml rather than named entities errors e only show errors quiet q suppress nonessential output omit omit optional end tags xml..
Symbol issue when debugging C# code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1552927/symbol-issue-when-debugging-c-sharp-code any previously cached PDBs. EDIT I changed my answer quiet a bit as I believe I initially misread your question. I hope..
Creating sine or square wave in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203890/creating-sine-or-square-wave-in-c-sharp wave and even the sine wave will likely have a few very quiet artifacts at other frequencies. If it's accuracy of frequency..
force browsers to get latest js and css files in asp.net application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2185872/force-browsers-to-get-latest-js-and-css-files-in-asp-net-application the timestamp for 1 minute so we don't thrash the disk quiet so much. Here is the extension method public static class JavascriptExtension..
Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249567/algorithm-to-avoid-sql-injection-on-mssql-server-from-c-sharp-code server. Even in the non database code it's best to keep quiet about third party components file folder structures other services..
Calculate decibels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152201/calculate-decibels However it always hovers around 40 when I'm absolutely quiet...I would assume it would be 90. I must have a calculation wrong.. 40 is equivalent to soft talking ...however it's totally quiet. Also If I mute my mic it goes straight to 90. Am I doing it..
how to pass html as a string using wkhtmltopdf? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651373/how-to-pass-html-as-a-string-using-wkhtmltopdf true note that we tell wkhtmltopdf to be quiet and not run scripts psi.Arguments q n disable smart shrinking..
Writing musical notes to a wav file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4974531/writing-musical-notes-to-a-wav-file very loud and ends on a peak and the starting note is very quiet there might be no point in the new tone that matches the value.. short decay short release but the sound does get gradually quieter during the sustain. The attack decay and release sections..
Beats per minute from real-time audio input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79445/beats-per-minute-from-real-time-audio-input a high number when it is loud and close to zero when it is quiet for i 0 i real.Length i real i real i real i Now you have a.. is a good input for your BPM analysis. When the bass is quiet you do not have a beat and when it is loud you have a beat...
How to catch ALL exceptions/crashes in a .NET app [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82483/how-to-catch-all-exceptions-crashes-in-a-net-app is the equivalent in the .NET world so I can handle log quiet all possible error cases c# .net exception handling share..