c# Programming Glossary: public
Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/202011/encrypt-decrypt-string-in-net 28v vs.95 29.aspx Good luck public class Crypto private static byte _salt Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes.. A password used to generate a key for encryption. param public static string EncryptStringAES string plainText string sharedSecret.. A password used to generate a key for decryption. param public static string DecryptStringAES string cipherText string sharedSecret..
How do you convert Byte Array to Hexadecimal String, and vice versa? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311165/how-do-you-convert-byte-array-to-hexadecimal-string-and-vice-versa c# bytearray hex share improve this question Either public static string ByteArrayToString byte ba StringBuilder hex new.. b in ba hex.AppendFormat 0 x2 b return hex.ToString or public static string ByteArrayToString byte ba string hex BitConverter.ToString.. example here . The reverse conversion would go like this public static byte StringToByteArray String hex int NumberChars hex.Length..
Sending email in .NET through Gmail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32260/sending-email-in-net-through-gmail
Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41244/dynamic-linq-orderby-on-ienumerablet but the code below is the core Expression logic needed. public static IOrderedQueryable T OrderBy T this IQueryable T source.. property return ApplyOrder T source property OrderBy public static IOrderedQueryable T OrderByDescending T this IQueryable.. return ApplyOrder T source property OrderByDescending public static IOrderedQueryable T ThenBy T this IOrderedQueryable T..
Random number generator only generating one random number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/767999/random-number-generator-only-generating-one-random-number have the following function Function to get random number public static int RandomNumber int min int max Random random new Random.. Random private static readonly object syncLock new object public static int RandomNumber int min int max lock syncLock synchronize..
Deep cloning objects in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/78536/deep-cloning-objects-in-c-sharp Binary Serialization is used to perform the copy. summary public static class ObjectCopier summary Perform a deep Copy of the.. instance to copy. param returns The copied object. returns public static T Clone T T source if typeof T .IsSerializable throw.. C# 3.0 change the method to have the following signature public static T Clone T this T source ... Now the method call simply..
Public Fields versus Automatic Properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180860/public-fields-versus-automatic-properties Fields versus Automatic Properties We're often told we should.. on Jeff's blog explaining some differences. Properties vs. Public Variables Reflection works differently on variables vs. properties..
Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150479/order-of-items-in-classes-fields-properties-constructors-methods the order of items in terms of class structure Does it go Public Fields Private Fields Properties Constructors Methods I'm curious..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp ExcelLibrary GNU Lesser GPL EPPlus GNU Library General Public License LGPL Here some example code for ExcelLibrary Here is..
Get File Icon used by Shell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/462270/get-file-icon-used-by-shell TheIcon.Save stream End Using End If End Sub Public Function IconFromFilePath filePath As String As Icon Dim result..
How do I suspend painting for a control and its children? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/487661/how-do-i-suspend-painting-for-a-control-and-its-children As Integer 11 ' Extension methods for Control Extension Public Sub ResumeDrawing ByVal Target As Control ByVal Redraw As Boolean.. 1 0 If Redraw Then Target.Refresh End If End Sub Extension Public Sub SuspendDrawing ByVal Target As Control SendMessage Target.Handle.. Target.Handle WM_SETREDRAW 0 0 End Sub Extension Public Sub ResumeDrawing ByVal Target As Control ResumeDrawing Target..
What is the difference between Public, Private, Protected, and Nothing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/614818/what-is-the-difference-between-public-private-protected-and-nothing is the difference between Public Private Protected and Nothing All my college years I have been..
ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670577/observablecollection-doesnt-support-addrange-method-so-i-get-notified-for-each is refreshed. ''' summary ''' typeparam name T typeparam Public Class ObservableRangeCollection Of T Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection.. to the end of the ObservableCollection Of T . ''' summary Public Sub AddRange ByVal collection As IEnumerable Of T For Each i.. collection from ObservableCollection Of T . ''' summary Public Sub RemoveRange ByVal collection As IEnumerable Of T For Each..
C#: Static readonly vs const http://stackoverflow.com/questions/755685/c-static-readonly-vs-const maybe c# constants share improve this question Public static readonly fields are a little unusual public static properties..
Parser for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/81406/parser-for-c-sharp Compiler Infrastructure From C# 1.0 to 3.0 Microsoft Public License. Used by Fxcop and Spec# Mono.Cecil From C# 1.0 to 3.0..
Event Bubbling and MVP: ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851933/event-bubbling-and-mvp-asp-net Presenter Methods in most ASP.NET MVP implementations Public Methods or subscribe to View events MVP pattern how many views..
C# 3.0 auto-properties - useful or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9304/c-sharp-3-0-auto-properties-useful-or-not I can already do that by simply declaring a public field Public string Title without the need of the get set block thus even.. may also be interested in a discussion of Properties vs. Public Variables . IMHO that's really what this is a reaction to and..
Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10200910/create-hello-wold-websocket-example str Javascript DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
CookieContainer bug? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047669/cookiecontainer-bug Language C# @ Import Namespace System.Net DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
Google Weather API 403 Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878143/google-weather-api-403-error version 1.0 encoding utf 8 n print MYFILE qq DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.1 EN xhtml11.dtd n print MYFILE qq html xmlns..
Check for SSL when hosted in Rackspace (Mosso) Cloud http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093858/check-for-ssl-when-hosted-in-rackspace-mosso-cloud can force SSL in ASP.NET @ Page Language C# DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.1 EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml11 DTD xhtml11.dtd..
Websocket server: onopen function on the web socket is never called http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2211898/websocket-server-onopen-function-on-the-web-socket-is-never-called corresponding client hosted on localhost 8080 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
ASP.NET File Upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3167240/asp-net-file-upload Uploadfile.aspx.cs Inherits Uploadfile DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
using Plupload with ASP.NET/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350686/using-plupload-with-asp-net-c fs.Write buffer 0 buffer.Length script DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1..
jquery datepicker ms ajax updatepanel doesn't work after post back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520645/jquery-datepicker-ms-ajax-updatepanel-doesnt-work-after-post-back the both use the in different contexts DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
How to apply scroll animations to grid view control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5753906/how-to-apply-scroll-animations-to-grid-view-control without smoothly scrolling @ Page Language C# DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
how to call an ASP.NET c# method using javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089760/how-to-call-an-asp-net-c-sharp-method-using-javascript button. So here complete code of my aspx page DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
asp.net: Invalid postback or callback argument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7476329/asp-net-invalid-postback-or-callback-argument Inherits EnterData.DataEntry.WebForm1 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9130186/a-potentially-dangerous-request-form-value-was-detected-from-the-client Namespace AjaxControlToolkit TagPrefix cc1 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..
get POST data in C#/ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/976613/get-post-data-in-c-asp-net Default.aspx.cs Inherits aspnetCSone._Default DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1..