c# Programming Glossary: pt
Global mouse event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11607133/global-mouse-event-handler I have the following code which I got from somewhere to capture mouse events. I modified it and made an event handler so.. so that I can subscribe to it. The mouse events are captured correctly. But it never fires the event handler. Can anybody.. private struct MSLLHOOKSTRUCT public POINT pt public uint mouseData public uint flags public uint time public..
Regular expression to remove XML tags and their content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/121656/regular-expression-to-remove-xml-tags-and-their-content I have the following string and I would like to remove bpt bpt and ept ept notice the additional tag content inside them.. have the following string and I would like to remove bpt bpt and ept ept notice the additional tag content inside them that.. following string and I would like to remove bpt bpt and ept ept notice the additional tag content inside them that also..
Mobile Device Detection in asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13086856/mobile-device-detection-in-asp-net avantgo bada blackberry blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront.. browser link vodafone wap windows ce phone xda xiino RegexOptions.IgnoreCase RegexOptions.Multiline RegexOptions.Compiled.. windows ce phone xda xiino RegexOptions.IgnoreCase RegexOptions.Multiline RegexOptions.Compiled static Regex MobileVersionCheck..
How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word using OpenXml 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3322247/how-can-i-embed-any-file-type-into-microsoft-word-using-openxml-2-0 learned a lot from other people ™s code so this is my attempt to contribute. Since I am already using OpenXml to generate.. fileInfo displayAsIcon if String.IsNullOrEmpty openXmlEmbeddedObject.OleObjectBinaryData using Stream dataStream.. if String.IsNullOrEmpty openXmlEmbeddedObject.OleImageBinaryData using Stream emfStream..
What does Expression.Quote() do that Expression.Constant() can?™t already do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3716492/what-does-expression-quote-do-that-expression-constant-cant-already-do a moot point var ps Expression.Parameter typeof int s var pt Expression.Parameter typeof int t var ex1 Expression.Lambda.. Expression.Lambda Expression.Lambda Expression.Add ps pt pt ps var f1a Func int Func int int ex1.Compile var f1b f1a.. Expression.Lambda Expression.Add ps pt pt ps var f1a Func int Func int int ex1.Compile var f1b f1a 100..
C# Point in polygon http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243042/c-sharp-point-in-polygon code I have so far private void CalculateOuterBounds m_aptVertices is a Point which holds the vertices of the polygon... of the polygon. and X Y min max are just ints Xmin Xmax m_aptVertices 0 .X Ymin Ymax m_aptVertices 0 .Y foreach Point pt in.. are just ints Xmin Xmax m_aptVertices 0 .X Ymin Ymax m_aptVertices 0 .Y foreach Point pt in m_aptVertices if Xmin pt.X..
Mouse Wheel Event (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479284/mouse-wheel-event-c private static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint Point pt DllImport user32.dll private static extern IntPtr SendMessage.. msg IntPtr wp IntPtr lp This code will basically intercept all wm_mousewheel events and redirect them to the control the..
Create Items from 3 collections using Linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5284315/create-items-from-3-collections-using-linq I try to achieve this using Linq. I tried var query from pt in list1 from at in list2 from ct in list3 select new Item.. at in list2 from ct in list3 select new Item Value1 pt Value2 at Value3 ct But i got a OutOfMemoryException my.. pt Value2 at Value3 ct But i got a OutOfMemoryException my 3 lists are huge. Any help c# linq share improve this..
I created a program to hide desktop icons on double click of desktop but would only like to hide icons on double click empty space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222749/i-created-a-program-to-hide-desktop-icons-on-double-click-of-desktop-but-would-o but would only like to hide icons on double click empty space I created a program to hide desktop icons on double.. but would only like to hide icons on double click empty space. When I double click an icon the icons hide too. I need.. MSLLHOOKSTRUCT dc.current_hwnd WindowFromPoint hookStruct.pt if dc.isFirstClick dc.isFirstClick false Determine the location..
C# classes to undelete files? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8819188/c-sharp-classes-to-undelete-files the system both those from recycle Bin and those already emptied from the recycle bin but still understandable and formatted.. For NTFS file system you'll have to understand the concept of Master File Table . Actually that's pretty hard. For FAT.. new byte bufferSize SetFilePointerEx hDisk offset ref pt FileBegin Read a whole sector Note that you can't read less..