c# Programming Glossary: protoinclude
Protobuf attributes with a hierarchy of generic classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1296791/protobuf-attributes-with-a-hierarchy-of-generic-classes to focus on the serialization aspect of these classes. ProtoInclude 1 typeof Query bool ProtoInclude 2 typeof Query string ProtoInclude.. aspect of these classes. ProtoInclude 1 typeof Query bool ProtoInclude 2 typeof Query string ProtoInclude 3 typeof Query int ProtoInclude.. 1 typeof Query bool ProtoInclude 2 typeof Query string ProtoInclude 3 typeof Query int ProtoInclude 4 typeof Query decimal ProtoInclude..
In Protobuf-net how can I pass an array of type object with objects of different types inside, knowing the set of potential types in advance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2678249/in-protobuf-net-how-can-i-pass-an-array-of-type-object-with-objects-of-different message. The best I came up with is to use generics and ProtoInclude as seen in this example . Since I can have different object.. found during serialization types must be included with ProtoIncludeAttribute found MessageParam`1 passed as MessageParam because.. Parameters get return parameters ProtoContract ProtoInclude 3 typeof MessageParam int ProtoInclude 4 typeof MessageParam..
protobuf-net inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6247513/protobuf-net-inheritance that it will be possible in v2 of protobuf net to use ProtoInclude attribute or similar approach to serialize deserialize class.. but I couldn ™t find any examples on the net short of using ProtoInclude attribute which requires a subtype to be specified. How would..
Deserialize unknown type with protobuf-net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/675349/deserialize-unknown-type-with-protobuf-net with base class I'm serializing Serializable ProtoContract ProtoInclude 50 typeof BeginRequest abstract internal class BaseMessage ProtoMember.. Here's what I have now Serializable ProtoContract ProtoInclude 50 typeof BeginRequest abstract internal class BaseMessage abstract..
protobuf and List<object> - how to serialize / deserialize? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923977/protobuf-and-listobject-how-to-serialize-deserialize System.Collections.Generic using ProtoBuf ProtoContract ProtoInclude 10 typeof DataItem int ProtoInclude 11 typeof DataItem string.. ProtoBuf ProtoContract ProtoInclude 10 typeof DataItem int ProtoInclude 11 typeof DataItem string ProtoInclude 12 typeof DataItem DateTime.. typeof DataItem int ProtoInclude 11 typeof DataItem string ProtoInclude 12 typeof DataItem DateTime ProtoInclude 13 typeof DataItem..