c# Programming Glossary: pump
BUG: Cant choose dates on a DatePicker that fall outside a floating VSTO Add-In http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10526118/bug-cant-choose-dates-on-a-datepicker-that-fall-outside-a-floating-vsto-add-in One of the workarounds is to use the DispatcherFrame to pump messages and subscribe to GotFocusEvent and LostFocusEvent for.. What's never not a problem is that you rely on the message pump in Excel to dispatch Windows messages the messages that make.. solution is the same one as the WPF workaround you need to pump your own message loop. That requires some surgery DateTimePicker..
Is Task.Factory.StartNew() guaranteed to use another thread than the calling thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12245935/is-task-factory-startnew-guaranteed-to-use-another-thread-than-the-calling-thr reentrancy here in that the default scheduler won ™t pump arbitrary threads when waiting for a task... it'll only allow..
Run multiple UI Threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1566791/run-multiple-ui-threads got it working originally used some form of custom message pumping to do this kind of things but I have no clue how to achieve.. like that. c# winforms multithreading geckofx message pump share improve this question I don't think that what you.. you ask is really what you want but creating a message pump per thread is easy you just have to call Application.Run once..
How to wait for thread to finish with .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1584062/how-to-wait-for-thread-to-finish-with-net method with MTAThread however this blocks your message pump and isn't recommended from what I've read. 3. Fire an event..
What is a message pump? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2222365/what-is-a-message-pump is a message pump In this thread posted about a year ago there is a discussion.. monitor keyboard and mouse and most importantly a message pump. I'm not sure what that is. I've been programming in C# for.. looks like maybe once the dialog box popped up the message pump started pushing the main GUI to Windows as well And now I'm..
Message pump in .NET Windows service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443867/message-pump-in-net-windows-service pump in .NET Windows service I have a Windows Service written in.. HWnd to a windows application because it uses the message pump to raise asynchronous events. Besides putting in a request to.. us with an API that does not depend on a Windows message pump is there any way to manually instantiate a message pump in a..
How can I make a background worker thread set to Single Thread Apartment? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4685237/how-can-i-make-a-background-worker-thread-set-to-single-thread-apartment before you start it. This thread also should pump a message loop call Application.Run . Maybe you ought to consider..
How can I close a login form and show the main form without my application closing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4759334/how-can-i-close-a-login-form-and-show-the-main-form-without-my-application-closi once you close the login form your application's message pump is shut down which causes the entire application to exit. The..
Does MessageBox.Show() automatically marshall to the UI Thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/559252/does-messagebox-show-automatically-marshall-to-the-ui-thread thread it is called from. If there isn't already a message pump running on the thread it will setup a temporary one in order..
Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/714666/is-it-appropriate-to-extend-control-to-provide-consistently-safe-invoke-begininv thread isolating the control on a thread without a message pump and making the application unstable. You can protect against..
How to test file download with Watin / IE9? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7500339/how-to-test-file-download-with-watin-ie9 class per browser instance that is a basic message pump for any kind of child window. When child windows are encountered..