

c# Programming Glossary: psi

How do I send ctrl+c to a process in c#?


and waits static void Main string args ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo CtrlCClient.exe psi.RedirectStandardInput.. ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo CtrlCClient.exe psi.RedirectStandardInput true psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.RedirectStandardError.. CtrlCClient.exe psi.RedirectStandardInput true psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.RedirectStandardError true psi.UseShellExecute..

Hanging process when run with .NET Process.Start — what's wrong?


myuser password mypassword int ms 5000 ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo cmd psi.Arguments arguments psi.RedirectStandardOutput.. int ms 5000 ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo cmd psi.Arguments arguments psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.WindowStyle.. psi new ProcessStartInfo cmd psi.Arguments arguments psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.WindowStyle ProcessWindowStyle.Normal..

How to capture Shell command output in C#?


string output string error string.Empty ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo reg.exe parms psi.RedirectStandardOutput.. ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo reg.exe parms psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.RedirectStandardError true psi.WindowStyle.. reg.exe parms psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.RedirectStandardError true psi.WindowStyle System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal..

how to pass html as a string using wkhtmltopdf?


pageSize Process p StreamWriter stdin ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo psi.FileName Path.Combine commandLocation.. stdin ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo psi.FileName Path.Combine commandLocation HtmlToPdfExePath psi.WorkingDirectory.. psi.FileName Path.Combine commandLocation HtmlToPdfExePath psi.WorkingDirectory Path.GetDirectoryName psi.FileName run the..

Hosting external app in WPF window


e button1.Visibility Visibility.Hidden ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo notepad.exe _process Process.Start psi.. new ProcessStartInfo notepad.exe _process Process.Start psi _process.WaitForInputIdle SetParent _process.MainWindowHandle..

Starting a process with credentials from a Windows Service


Best way to programmatically configure network adapters in .NET


it from C# would be Process p new Process ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo netsh interface ip set address Local Area.. 1 p.StartInfo psi p.Start Setting to static can take a good couple of seconds..

Piping in a file on the command-line using System.Diagnostics.Process


string errorLines string.Empty Process svnCommand null var psi new ProcessStartInfo command psi.RedirectStandardOutput true.. svnCommand null var psi new ProcessStartInfo command psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.RedirectStandardError true psi.WindowStyle.. ProcessStartInfo command psi.RedirectStandardOutput true psi.RedirectStandardError true psi.WindowStyle ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden..