c# Programming Glossary: provides
Communicate between two windows forms in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1665533/communicate-between-two-windows-forms-in-c-sharp constructor which takes calling form as argument and provides its reference to Form2 members. This solves the communication..
Big integers in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/176775/big-integers-in-c-sharp N multiplication division algorithms implementation. It provides all the basic operations on integers like addition multiplication..
What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777103/what-nosql-solutions-are-out-there-for-net docs redis client redis client The client provides a rich interface providing wrappers for .NET's generic IList..
What does the tilde (~) mean in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188688/what-does-the-tilde-mean-in-c class holds onto resources that need to be disposed and provides users a way to release them. If you do need to implement a finalizer..
When would you use delegates in C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191153/when-would-you-use-delegates-in-c
Expression Versus Statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19132/expression-versus-statement but this ability is useful enough that the GNU C compiler provides a GNU extension that enables an expression to declare a local..
.NET Process Monitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1986249/net-process-monitor c# process system share improve this question WMI provides a way to track processes starting and terminating with the Win32_ProcessTrace..
how can you easily check if access is denied for a file in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265953/how-can-you-easily-check-if-access-is-denied-for-a-file-in-net of the file in advance. Exception handling code provides all of the functionality of existence or permissions checks...
Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2777105/why-response-redirect-causes-system-threading-threadabortexception This blog post from Thomas Marquardt provides additional details including how to handle the special case..
What are major differences between C# and Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/295224/what-are-major-differences-between-c-sharp-and-java language support for a decimal type. java.math.BigDecimal provides something like System.Decimal with differences but there's no..
How can I stream webcam video with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/342774/how-can-i-stream-webcam-video-with-c a new library or API that does everything that DirectShow provides. I suspect many of the latest things they have released are..
How To Represent 0.1 In Floating Point Arithmetic And Decimal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3448777/how-to-represent-0-1-in-floating-point-arithmetic-and-decimal you cannot represent 0.1 exactly as an IEEE754 float and provides so much opportunity on SO for people answering why doesn't 0.1..
How to get parent process in .NET in managed way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394816/how-to-get-parent-process-in-net-in-managed-way parent managed share improve this question This code provides a nice interface for finding the Parent process object and takes..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset the zero offset. So what does this analogy tell us It provides some intuitive guidelines. If you are representing time relative..
Multi-threaded splash screen in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48916/multi-threaded-splash-screen-in-c Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly from C# in .NET 2.0 and it provides a lot of nice services. Have the main form inherit from Microsoft.VisualBasic.WindowsFormsApplicationBase..
Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506282/protect-net-code-from-reverse-engineering application to native code and Xenocode is too costly. C# provides lot of features and is the ideal language for my code so writing..
Read MS Exchange email in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/652549/read-ms-exchange-email-in-c-sharp comes with a SOAP based Web service interface that finally provides a unified language independent way of interacting with the Exchange..
How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8030538/how-to-implement-custom-jsonconverter-in-json-net-to-deserialize-a-list-of-base method which acceps a JObject object. The JObject class provides a means to load a JSON object and provdes access to the data..
How to use HTML Agility pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846994/how-to-use-html-agility-pack the classes you'll use most. Similar to an XML parser it provides the selectSingleNode and selectNodes methods that accept XPath..
Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9929585/seeking-clarification-on-apparent-contradictions-regarding-weakly-typed-language point I have felt prompted to believe that if a language provides a lot of automatic conversions or coercion between types as..
IQueryable extension method for linq2entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10826275/iqueryable-extension-method-for-linq2entities source.Provider .CreateQuery T source.Expression summary Provides PlaceHolderQuery No other functionality summary public class..
Measuring code execution time [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16376191/measuring-code-execution-time instead of DateTime differences. Stopwatch Class MSDN Provides a set of methods and properties that you can use to accurately..
High Quality Image Scaling C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249587/high-quality-image-scaling-c-sharp namespace DoctaJonez.Drawing.Imaging summary Provides various image untilities such as high quality resizing and the..
Get the Enum<T> value Description http://stackoverflow.com/questions/297299/get-the-enumt-value-description or creating your own attribute summary Provides a description for an enumerated type. summary AttributeUsage.. takes place in the following extension methods summary Provides a static utility object of methods and properties to interact..
Implementation of Lazy<T> for .NET 3.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3207580/implementation-of-lazyt-for-net-3-5 question Here is an implementation that I use. summary Provides support for lazy initialization. summary typeparam name T Specifies..
Correct way to deal with UAC in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3925065/correct-way-to-deal-with-uac-in-c-sharp YOUR EXE info.UseShellExecute true info.Verb runas Provides Run as Administrator info.Arguments YOUR SPECIAL COMMAND LINE..
Print html document from Windows Service in C# without print dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416314/print-html-document-from-windows-service-in-c-sharp-without-print-dialog namespace System.Threading.Tasks.Schedulers summary Provides a scheduler that uses STA threads. summary public sealed class.. the blocking collection of tasks _tasks.Add task summary Provides a list of the scheduled tasks for the debugger to consume. summary..
C# arrow key input for a console app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4351258/c-sharp-arrow-key-input-for-a-console-app Right summary The down arrow key. summary Down summary Provides keyboard access. summary internal static class NativeKeyboard..
Unity 2.0 and handling IDisposable types (especially with PerThreadLifetimeManager) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5129789/unity-2-0-and-handling-idisposable-types-especially-with-perthreadlifetimemanag lifetime manager is disposed when container is disposed . Provides singleton instance shared among all containers in hiearchy...
Escape command line arguments in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510343/escape-command-line-arguments-in-c-sharp info.UseShellExecute true info.Verb runas Provides Run as Administrator info.Arguments EscapeCommandLineArguments..
Handling commas within quotes when exporting a CSV file C#4.Any suggestions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5567691/handling-commas-within-quotes-when-exporting-a-csv-file-c4-any-suggestions Use the TextFieldParser class. The description on MSDN is Provides methods and properties for parsing structured text files. It..
WPF MVVM Modal Overlay Dialog only over a View (not Window) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6351612/wpf-mvvm-modal-overlay-dialog-only-over-a-view-not-window translations use Translate summary FiveButton summary Provides some default button combinations summary public enum DialogButtons..
How to retain callsite information when wrapping NLog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7412156/how-to-retain-callsite-information-when-wrapping-nlog System.Text using NLog namespace LoggerWrapper summary Provides methods to write messages with event IDs useful for the Event..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7466303/c-c-sharp-and-javascript-on-winrt XAML framework Windows.UI.XAML namespace is not available. Provides some standard JS APIs specified by HTML5 in addition to the.. for UI but you can also use HTML by using WebView control. Provides full access to WinRT libraries but also some of its own on top..
Deep cloning objects in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/78536/deep-cloning-objects-in-c-sharp www.codeproject.com KB tips SerializedObjectCloner.aspx Provides a method for performing a deep copy of an object. Binary Serialization..