c# Programming Glossary: prop.propertytype
Convert IEnumerable to DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253725/convert-ienumerable-to-datatable to the datatable foreach var prop in props Type propType prop.PropertyType Is it a nullable type Get the underlying type if propType.IsGenericType.. foreach var prop in props tb.Columns.Add prop.Name prop.PropertyType foreach var item in items var values new object props.Length..
How to sort databound DataGridView column? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1699642/how-to-sort-databound-datagridview-column direction sortedList new ArrayList Type interfaceType prop.PropertyType.GetInterface IComparable if interfaceType null prop.PropertyType.IsValueType.. IComparable if interfaceType null prop.PropertyType.IsValueType Type underlyingType Nullable.GetUnderlyingType.. Type underlyingType Nullable.GetUnderlyingType prop.PropertyType if underlyingType null interfaceType underlyingType.GetInterface..
Comparing 2 objects and retrieve a list of fields with different values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3060382/comparing-2-objects-and-retrieve-a-list-of-fields-with-different-values Label next il.DefineLabel switch Type.GetTypeCode prop.PropertyType case TypeCode.Boolean case TypeCode.Byte case TypeCode.Char.. null il.Emit OpCodes.Ceq break default var pp new Type prop.PropertyType prop.PropertyType var eq prop.PropertyType.GetMethod op_Equality.. break default var pp new Type prop.PropertyType prop.PropertyType var eq prop.PropertyType.GetMethod op_Equality BindingFlags.Public..
How to set object property through Reflection [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5370641/how-to-set-object-property-through-reflection Using your code newValue Convert.ChangeType givenValue prop.PropertyType prop.SetValue target newValue null share improve this answer..
Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564366/convert-generic-list-enumerable-to-datatable prop props i table.Columns.Add prop.Name prop.PropertyType object values new object props.Count foreach T item in data..
.NET - Convert Generic Collection to DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/701223/net-convert-generic-collection-to-datatable IS THROWN FOR NULLABLE TYPES table.Columns.Add prop.Name prop.PropertyType return table My problem is that when I change one of the properties.. be table.Columns.Add prop.Name Nullable.GetUnderlyingType prop.PropertyType prop.PropertyType And it works. is the null coalescing operator.. prop.Name Nullable.GetUnderlyingType prop.PropertyType prop.PropertyType And it works. is the null coalescing operator it uses the first..
Looking for a fast and easy way to coalesce all properties on a POCO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7422861/looking-for-a-fast-and-easy-way-to-coalesce-all-properties-on-a-poco foreach var prop in typeof T .GetProperties var propType prop.PropertyType if propType.IsValueType Nullable.GetUnderlyingType propType..