c# Programming Glossary: programmers
Understanding Garbage Collection in .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17130382/understanding-garbage-collection-in-net But make sure you don't fall in the trap that many C# programmers have fallen into actually writing that code was pointless. It.. effect. One final note about this topic this is what gets programmers in trouble that write small programs to do something with an..
Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473666/tips-for-optimizing-c-net-programs is a lost art these days. Wasn't there a time when all programmers squeezed every ounce of efficiency from their code Often doing..
Is there a reason Image.FromFile throws an OutOfMemoryException for an invalid image format? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2610416/is-there-a-reason-image-fromfile-throws-an-outofmemoryexception-for-an-invalid-i with error codes. That just never scales well library programmers make it a goal to intentionally limit the number of possible..
How do I pronounce “=>” as used in lambda expressions in .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/274022/how-do-i-pronounce-as-used-in-lambda-expressions-in-net lambda expressions in .Net I very rarely meet any other programmers My thought when I first saw the token was implies that since..
What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/301160/what-are-the-differences-between-various-threading-synchronization-options-in-c does not enforce thread identity on WaitOne or Release.. programmers responsibility to not muck up. Semaphores are of two types local..
Cursor.Current vs. this.Cursor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/302663/cursor-current-vs-this-cursor I've seen on the Internet and at work where other programmers have had some problems with the Cursor.Current property. It..
Benefits of using the conditional ?: (ternary) operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3312786/benefits-of-using-the-conditional-ternary-operator though. I work in an environment of almost entirely non programmers. The program I'm currently translating from VB6 to C# was written..
There is a Default instance of form in VB.Net but not in C#, WHY? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698538/there-is-a-default-instance-of-form-in-vb-net-but-not-in-c-why of VB.NET that came with VS2005. By popular demand VB6 programmers had a hard time with seeing the difference between a type and.. attribute in that snippet is what has made many VB.NET programmers give up threading in utter despair. A problem when the abstraction..
Is BCrypt a good hashing algorithm to use in C#? Where can I find it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/481160/is-bcrypt-a-good-hashing-algorithm-to-use-in-c-where-can-i-find-it I find it I have read that when hashing a password many programmers recommend using the BCrypt algorithm. I am programming in C#..
When is optimization premature? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4832642/when-is-optimization-premature talking about these for code that we need to write other programmers would think either I am thinking way too much ahead when there..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a It is very rare to need it it is however popular with VB6 programmers where Load was a big deal. You only ever need Load when you..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents it freezing the rest of the windows in the app. Most programmers want to use DoEvents to stop their user interface from freezing..
The Best Place to Start Learning C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525726/the-best-place-to-start-learning-c websites. gamedev.net has a surprising number of good C programmers on their forums so reading those can be enlightening too whether.. Good C code is not good C code and vice versa. and most C programmers hate and despise C and vice versa I'd recommend learning C but..
If strings are immutable in .NET, then why does Substring take O(n) time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6742923/if-strings-are-immutable-in-net-then-why-does-substring-take-on-time be wasteful and foolish not to. But most line of business programmers do not do anything even vaguely like those sorts of things ... for the needs of the Human Genome Project DNA analysis programmers have to solve problems with those string usage characteristics..
Why is Application.Restart() not reliable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/95098/why-is-application-restart-not-reliable It's not that the method doesn't work rather many times programmers forget that they've put something in their code that would stop..
Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9835881/releasing-a-unplugged-virtual-serial-port so it can't be removed. The 4th bullet is also what gets programmers in trouble. Writing serial port code isn't easy it is heavily..