c# Programming Glossary: promote
.NET Configuration (app.config/web.config/settings.settings) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132544/net-configuration-app-config-web-config-settings-settings Framework64 v2.0.50727 CONFIG directory then you can promote your application code between environments without any post..
C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19044659/c-sharp-webbrowser-control-form-submit-not-working-using-invokememberclick reliability add support timeouts and cancellation and promote natural linear code flow using async await . C# using Microsoft.Win32..
How to get variable name using reflection? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2566101/how-to-get-variable-name-using-reflection compiled to IL. However you can use expression trees and promote the variable to a closure static string GetVariableName T Expression..
Downcasting with Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7266848/downcasting-with-entity-framework If you started with User entity and now you want to promote it to Employer entity you must delete old user and create new..
Are get and set functions popular with C++ programmers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737409/are-get-and-set-functions-popular-with-c-programmers of these are quite popular and tools like Visual Studio promote usage by making them very easy and quick to implement. However..
Why some types do not have literal modifiers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671427/why-some-types-do-not-have-literal-modifiers and ulongs but arithmetic is never done in shorts. Shorts promote to int and the arithmetic is done in ints because like I said..
Is there a way to use TransactionScope with an existing connection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/934316/is-there-a-way-to-use-transactionscope-with-an-existing-connection Transaction.Current It works and it doesnt promote transaction to distributed if not necessary contrary to what..
OData with ServiceStack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9577938/odata-with-servicestack that can. This is a re write cycle we don't wish to promote. Promotes bad web service practices OData also promotes the.. to promote. Promotes bad web service practices OData also promotes the anti pattern where you're exposing internal implementation.. a remote services best practices that using OData doesn't promote. Good article on why generic based APIs like OData are much..