c# Programming Glossary: prone
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1042902/most-elegant-way-to-generate-prime-numbers know how to do it a bunch of different ways but I'm prone to writing code that isn't as clear as it could be. In this..
How much faster is C++ than C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138361/how-much-faster-is-c-than-c or C but it's going to be much more complicated and error prone. As Donald Knuth said premature optimization is the root of..
Why does one use dependency injection? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14301389/why-does-one-use-dependency-injection new TcpLogger First this is no fun. Second this is error prone. Third this is stupid repetitive work for a trained monkey...
What's the point of the var keyword? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209199/whats-the-point-of-the-var-keyword VeryLongTypename NestedTypename Verbose and error prone right So now they let you do this var thing new SomeGeneric..
Why is the C# “as” operator so popular? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2139798/why-is-the-c-sharp-as-operator-so-popular and fail at the cast line. The latter method is not prone to this error. The following solution is not recommended for..
variable scope in statement blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2693138/variable-scope-in-statement-blocks a loop variable and a field. That's confusing and error prone so we make it illegal. Is there something non obvious about..
In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785029/in-what-areas-might-the-use-of-f-be-more-appropriate-than-c a whole class of errors that previous systems were prone to. Exploratory programming Working with script files and the..
Create empty C# event handlers automatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/340610/create-empty-c-sharp-event-handlers-automatically empty inline handler to each event manually. This is error prone since I need to remember to do that etc. void Initialize MyEvent..
C#: should object variables be assigned to null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3903878/c-should-object-variables-be-assigned-to-null question No and that could in fact be dangerous and bug prone consider the possibility that someone might try to use it later..
Interprocess communication for Windows in C# (.NET 2.0) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/50153/interprocess-communication-for-windows-in-c-sharp-net-2-0 Where best is defined as more robust and less error prone not the most performant nor the easiest to code. Code examples..
Why isn't ArrayList marked [Obsolete]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5063156/why-isnt-arraylist-marked-obsolete using ArrayList is painful and at least theoretically prone to discovering type related bugs at execution time rather than..
Why are there no lifted short-circuiting operators on `bool?`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5204366/why-are-there-no-lifted-short-circuiting-operators-on-bool the short circuiting operators is potentially error prone. It could be the same way of reasoning as why C# is completely.. language more powerful and making it less error prone. Update Just for you interest that's what the official documentation..
Best way to specify whitespace in a String.Split operation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6111298/best-way-to-specify-whitespace-in-a-string-split-operation require the creation of the character array which is prone to error if copied in different places c# string share improve..
How do you find all implementations of an interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620376/how-do-you-find-all-implementations-of-an-interface few implementations this can be time consuming and error prone. In Java running javadoc on the codebase using the private option..
Is there a performance hit for creating Extension methods that operate off the object type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7652118/is-there-a-performance-hit-for-creating-extension-methods-that-operate-off-the-o on every type and coding becomes confusing and error prone. For example suppose you want to have an extension method that..
How can I write a generic container class that implements a given interface in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/847809/how-can-i-write-a-generic-container-class-that-implements-a-given-interface-in-c project with classes Manually writing the code is error prone Any additions or signature updates to the IStartable interface..
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898925/is-there-a-reason-for-cs-reuse-of-the-variable-in-a-foreach declares the variable in a way that makes it highly prone to an error that is often difficult to find and debug while.. declares the variable in a way that makes it highly prone to an error that is often difficult to find and debug while..
Foreach can throw an InvalidCastException? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/949798/foreach-can-throw-an-invalidcastexception here is an implicit cast to a subclass which is error prone and seems to be banned in every other place in the language...