c# Programming Glossary: progressbar
Winforms Progress bar Does Not Update (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068720/winforms-progress-bar-does-not-update-c The no of records added is the value i am setting for ProgressBar.value property. What i want here is According to value of progress.. Form BackgroundWorker worker ListView list Button btn ProgressBar bar public MyForm Text Loader worker new BackgroundWorker worker.WorkerReportsProgress.. Controls.Add btn btn.Click btn_Click bar new ProgressBar bar.Dock DockStyle.Top Controls.Add bar void worker_RunWorkerCompleted..
Using a Background Worker - Update a ProgressBar on the progress of a Recursive Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1334799/using-a-background-worker-update-a-progressbar-on-the-progress-of-a-recursive a Background Worker Update a ProgressBar on the progress of a Recursive Method Below is a method that..
C# Winform ProgressBar and BackgroundWorker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1470927/c-sharp-winform-progressbar-and-backgroundworker Winform ProgressBar and BackgroundWorker I have a problem like this I have a Form.. Form public ProgressForm InitializeComponent public ProgressBar ProgressBar get return this.progressBar1 set this.progressBar1.. ProgressForm InitializeComponent public ProgressBar ProgressBar get return this.progressBar1 set this.progressBar1 value ..
C#: Overriding OnPaint on ProgressBar not working? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1517179/c-overriding-onpaint-on-progressbar-not-working Overriding OnPaint on ProgressBar not working Was thinking it should be pretty easy to create.. working Was thinking it should be pretty easy to create a ProgressBar that drew some text upon itself. However I am not quite sure.. Width Height instead of Bounds . I do get text now but the ProgressBar is gone... and the point was kind of to have the text on top..
Display progress bar while doing some work in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1952201/display-progress-bar-while-doing-some-work-in-c bar won't update. I have a WinForm ProgressForm with a ProgressBar that will continue indefinitely in a marquee fashion. using.. etc. Also you need to then hold a reference to the ProgressBar Form and dispose of it. Edit BackgroundWorker is not the answer..
Windows Forms ProgressBar: Easiest way to start/stop marquee? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/312936/windows-forms-progressbar-easiest-way-to-start-stop-marquee Forms ProgressBar Easiest way to start stop marquee I am using C# and Windows.. Marquee . This represents an indeterminate progress bar. myProgressBar.Style ProgressBarStyle.Marquee You can also use the MarqueeAnimationSpeed.. an indeterminate progress bar. myProgressBar.Style ProgressBarStyle.Marquee You can also use the MarqueeAnimationSpeed property..
How do I put text on ProgressBar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3529928/how-do-i-put-text-on-progressbar do I put text on ProgressBar I have used ProgressBar Control in my c# desktop application.I.. do I put text on ProgressBar I have used ProgressBar Control in my c# desktop application.I have used it in a thread.. functionality with a label or two Main Job Current Job and ProgressBar and use it instead of that ProgressBar. share improve this..
WPF loading animation on a separate UI thread? (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3806535/wpf-loading-animation-on-a-separate-ui-thread-c loading along the way either directly or through a ProgressBar or some other mechanism the BackgroundWorker is a fairly straight..
ProgressBar is slow in Windows Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6071626/progressbar-is-slow-in-windows-forms is slow in Windows Forms I'm using Windows Vista and Visual..
Updateprogessbar is not working when Setting AssociatedUpdatePanelID? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1187953/updateprogessbar-is-not-working-when-setting-associatedupdatepanelid AssociatedUpdatePanelID I have two updatepanel and a progressbar on the page. If I set the AssociatedUpdatePanelID then progressbar.. on the page. If I set the AssociatedUpdatePanelID then progressbar is not working without setting AssociatedUpdatePanelID progress.. upnl ProgressTemplate img src Images progressbar.gif ProgressTemplate asp UpdateProgress br asp UpdatePanel runat..
Reading large text files with streams in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2161895/reading-large-text-files-with-streams-in-c-sharp bit of code up read it in chunks into a buffer and show a progressbar with an option to cancel it. Some assumptions Most files will..
Update a progressbar from another thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5789926/update-a-progressbar-from-another-thread a progressbar from another thread I'm stuck trying to update a progressbar.. from another thread I'm stuck trying to update a progressbar from other threads ran in a different class. To explain what.. do I think a picture will be better. I want to update the progressbar in the HERE point I've tried using a delegate tried with ReportProgress..
Reasons for why a WinForms label does not want to be transparent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605920/reasons-for-why-a-winforms-label-does-not-want-to-be-transparent just don't want to... I created a new UserControl added a progressbar and a label to it. When I set the BackColor of the label to.. is this What I wanted was to have the label on top of the progressbar so that its text was in the progressbar... c# winforms transparency.. on top of the progressbar so that its text was in the progressbar... c# winforms transparency share improve this question ..
ProgressBar is slow in Windows Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6071626/progressbar-is-slow-in-windows-forms
how to use a backgroundworker? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6481304/how-to-use-a-backgroundworker 100 carga is my another form where the progressbar is how do i use a backgroundworker s i am lost in this c# backgroundworker..
How to change the color of progressbar in C# .NET 3.5? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/778678/how-to-change-the-color-of-progressbar-in-c-sharp-net-3-5 to change the color of progressbar in C# .NET 3.5 I'd like to do two things on my progress bar...
AJAX progress bar dispaying loading progress percentage for page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/796792/ajax-progress-bar-dispaying-loading-progress-percentage-for-page-load progress percentage for page load How do you use a progressbar to show the loading percentage for a page ... similar to how..
calculate sending file speed/sec by taking the average of 5 times of sent bytes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030297/calculate-sending-file-speed-sec-by-taking-the-average-of-5-times-of-sent-bytes sum count fP.ProgressBarFileHandler sum fileSize progressbar value fP.SentLabel sum fileSize tell the form how much sent..
Getting the upload progress during file upload using Webclient.Uploadfile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/982299/getting-the-upload-progress-during-file-upload-using-webclient-uploadfile files to server using the webclient. I'd like to display a progressbar while the file upload is in progress. How would I go about achieving..