c# Programming Glossary: progress
How do you show animated GIFs on a Windows Form (c#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/165735/how-do-you-show-animated-gifs-on-a-windows-form-c animated GIFs on a Windows Form c# I have a form showing progress messages as a fairly long process runs. It's a call to a web.. so I can't really show a percentage complete figure on a progress bar meaningfully. I don't particularly like the Marquee property.. I don't particularly like the Marquee property of the progress bar I would like to show an animated GIF to give the process..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf Chrome. I played around with this but I didn't make much progress because... the datagrid can't handle different item heights..
Can I show file copy progress using FileInfo.CopyTo() in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187768/can-i-show-file-copy-progress-using-fileinfo-copyto-in-net I show file copy progress using FileInfo.CopyTo in .NET I've created a copy utility in.. completed for the copy operations. There is also a progress bar that is based on current file total files. My problem is.. I've been unable to find a way to indicate the total copy progress of a large file using my current class structure that utilitzes..
OnclientClick and OnClick is not working at the same time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2155048/onclientclick-and-onclick-is-not-working-at-the-same-time disable the button element and change its text value to a progress message. When the postback completes the newly rendered page..
Solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2163036/solid-ffmpeg-wrapper-for-c-net but can make method calls and use eventlisteners for progress. And please feel free to mention any active projects even if..
Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473666/tips-for-optimizing-c-net-programs a feature set customer focused goals for the feature track progress on making a solid implementation fix problems as you find them..
Task parallel library replacement for BackgroundWorker? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3513432/task-parallel-library-replacement-for-backgroundworker want to be able to have a responsive UI with the standard progress bar and ability to cancel the operation. I've done this before.. do have a small helper class for tasks that need to report progress because I find the syntax rather awkward. The example covers..
Is this thread.abort() normal and safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421389/is-this-thread-abort-normal-and-safe multiple concurrent requests. If a request is currently in progress wait for it to complete before making another one. share improve..
Multi-threaded splash screen in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48916/multi-threaded-splash-screen-in-c the startup goes I want to update the splash screen with progress. I have been reading a lot on threading but I am getting lost..
How to use WPF Background Worker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5483565/how-to-use-wpf-background-worker worker.RunWorkerAsync Also if you want to report process progress you should subscribe to ProgressChanged event and use ReportProgress..
How to create LINQ Expression Tree with anonymous type in it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/606104/how-to-create-linq-expression-tree-with-anonymous-type-in-it class I've included below. The code below is a work in progress so take it for what it's worth 'it works on my box' 0. The SelectdDynamic..
Reading PDF documents in .Net [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83152/reading-pdf-documents-in-net reader.GetPageContent page Write the progress. if charUnit 1.0f for int i 0 i int charUnit i Console.Write..
Winforms Progress bar Does Not Update (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068720/winforms-progress-bar-does-not-update-c Progress bar Does Not Update C# In my program C# winforms . I have progress.. The no of records added is the value i am setting for ProgressBar.value property. What i want here is According to value of.. Form BackgroundWorker worker ListView list Button btn ProgressBar bar public MyForm Text Loader worker new BackgroundWorker..
C# file read/write fileshare doesn't appear to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124946/c-sharp-file-read-write-fileshare-doesnt-appear-to-work Thread.Sleep mScanThreadWait sleep for 50 milliseconds Progress float y 1 0 y 1 0 float imheight theFS.Close So far so good... theReader.ReadBytes int imheight imwidth inBase.Progress 2 ushort theData new ushort int theNewArray.Length 2 Buffer.BlockCopy..
Need an ASP.NET MVC long running process with user feedback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2927284/need-an-asp-net-mvc-long-running-process-with-user-feedback Content result text plain public ActionResult SomeTaskProgress int id return Json new Progress HttpContext.Application task.. ActionResult SomeTaskProgress int id return Json new Progress HttpContext.Application task id JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet.. id taskId function json '#progress' .html json.Progress ' ' 5000 script div id progress div div id result div The idea..
Using BackgroundWorker with ProgressBar in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5774473/using-backgroundworker-with-progressbar-in-wpf BackgroundWorker with ProgressBar in WPF Hi i have an App where one of the jobs will be convert.. takes a little time more than 3 minutes I'd like to use a ProgressBar to report progress of this job. So if i am doing this Job.. rows in the excel make that number as some Maxvalue in the ProgressBar and then for each Row or in an interval i report the progress...
File Copy with Progress Bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6044629/file-copy-with-progress-bar Copy with Progress Bar I used this code posted here the one that nobugz posted.. You need something like this public delegate void ProgressChangeDelegate double Persentage ref bool Cancel public delegate.. Dest this.SourceFilePath Source this.DestFilePath Dest OnProgressChanged delegate OnComplete delegate public void Copy byte..
Questions on a Haskell -> C# conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6082640/questions-on-a-haskell-c-sharp-conversion size down full source still available through link above Progress Ok so looking at the answers and comments so far I think I know..
simple custom event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6644247/simple-custom-event so far public partial class Form1 Form public EventHandler Progress progress public Form1 InitializeComponent progress SetStatus.. progress SetStatus private void SetStatus object sender Progress e label1.Text e.Status private void button1_Click_1 object.. status time consuming code report status public class Progress EventArgs public string Status get private set private Progress..
WCF - Design Parameter Decision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9553267/wcf-design-parameter-decision . There is a service operation named œpublic List GetInProgressRenewal FundDTO fund One important point is here. Though both.. both the services are using the same database the œIn Progress renewals should be decided by the Renewal service. It can be.. the Renewal Service to decide the business logic for œIn Progress renewals. The FundManagement Service claims no ownership on..
Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969033/change-pinned-taskbar-icon-windows-7 . You should have a look at the Overlay Icons and Progress Bars API . You can download the sample code from Windows 7 Taskbar..
Windows 8 - Fancy Progress Bars via C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9978078/windows-8-fancy-progress-bars-via-c 8 Fancy Progress Bars via C# Does anyone know if the new 'fancy' file transfer..