c# Programming Glossary: objectlistview
How do I add/remove items to a ListView in virtual mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525828/how-do-i-add-remove-items-to-a-listview-in-virtual-mode viewing to show the new missing items FYI I'm using an ObjectListView if that makes any difference. c# .net winforms listview objectlistview.. show at every row visible in the control. If you are using ObjectListView have you considered using the FastObjectListView which gives.. are using ObjectListView have you considered using the FastObjectListView which gives you the speed benefits of a virtual list and the..
How to wordWrap the text in a column using ObjectListView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2653781/how-to-wordwrap-the-text-in-a-column-using-objectlistview to wordWrap the text in a column using ObjectListView For example I have a big sentence I like to eat pie and have.. should have a property like this Category Behavior ObjectListView Description Draw this column cell's word wrapped DefaultValue..
The relationship between the two objects cannot be defined because they are attached to different ObjectContext objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9083709/the-relationship-between-the-two-objects-cannot-be-defined-because-they-are-atta loaded into ObjectListview. Then when user clicks on that ObjectListView the following Consultants are copied into ObjectListView Participants... ObjectListView the following Consultants are copied into ObjectListView Participants. foreach Konsultanci konsultant in objectListViewKonsultanci.SelectedObjects.. and pass it as variable private void sqlZapiszUczestnikow ObjectListView listaUczestnikow Szkolenie varSzkolenie foreach SzkolenieUczestnicy..
Flickering in listview with ownerdraw and virtualmode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/938896/flickering-in-listview-with-ownerdraw-and-virtualmode one but introduced others . You can look in at the code in ObjectListView to see how it solved this problem. If you want to solve it yourself..