c# Programming Glossary: objimage
Resize an Image C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1922040/resize-an-image-c-sharp creating a new Image using Bitmap objBitmap new Bitmap objImage new Size 227 171 objImage is the origional Image Thank you .. Bitmap objBitmap new Bitmap objImage new Size 227 171 objImage is the origional Image Thank you c# image resize share improve..
Save BitmapImage to File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4161359/save-bitmapimage-to-file string istrImagePath ImagePath istrImagePath BitmapImage objImage new BitmapImage new Uri istrImagePath UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute.. UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute PictureDisplayed.Source objImage savedCreationObject objImage Guid photoID System.Guid.NewGuid.. PictureDisplayed.Source objImage savedCreationObject objImage Guid photoID System.Guid.NewGuid string photolocation photoID.ToString..