c# Programming Glossary: o1
Why do we need boxing and unboxing in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2111857/why-do-we-need-boxing-and-unboxing-in-c the following double e 2.718281828459045 double d e object o1 d object o2 e Console.WriteLine d e Console.WriteLine o1 o2.. o1 d object o2 e Console.WriteLine d e Console.WriteLine o1 o2 Think about it for a second before going on to the next sentence... Perhaps even more subtle double e 2.718281828459045 object o1 e object o2 e Console.WriteLine o1 o2 will also print False..
? (nullable) operator in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3183818/nullable-operator-in-c-sharp T. So if you have code like this int x 5 int y 5 object o1 x object o2 y The boxed values referred to by o1 and o2 are.. 5 object o1 x object o2 y The boxed values referred to by o1 and o2 are indistinguishable. You can't tell that one is the..
C# .Equals(), .ReferenceEquals() and == operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3869601/c-sharp-equals-referenceequals-and-operator a NullReferenceException either. To illustrate object o1 null object o2 new object Technically these should read object.ReferenceEquals.. for clarity but this is redundant. ReferenceEquals o1 o1 true ReferenceEquals o1 o2 false ReferenceEquals o2 o1 false.. for clarity but this is redundant. ReferenceEquals o1 o1 true ReferenceEquals o1 o2 false ReferenceEquals o2 o1 false..
A generic list of anonymous class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/612689/a-generic-list-of-anonymous-class to a generic list Example var o new Id 1 Name Foo var o1 new Id 2 Name Bar List var list new List var list.Add o list.Add.. 2 Name Bar List var list new List var list.Add o list.Add o1 Another Example List var list new List var while .... .... list.Add.. share improve this question You could do var list new o o1 .ToList There are lots of ways of skinning this cat but basically..
Looking for a fast and easy way to coalesce all properties on a POCO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7422861/looking-for-a-fast-and-easy-way-to-coalesce-all-properties-on-a-poco with all the non null fields. Some illustrative code POCO o1 LoadFields1To3 POCO o2 LoadFields4To5 POCO o3 LoadFields6To9.. with the non null properties. Something like POCO final o1.UnionProperties o2 .UnionProperties o3 and so on I am able to..
Can I make XmlSerializer ignore the namespace on deserialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/870293/can-i-make-xmlserializer-ignore-the-namespace-on-deserialization sr sr new System.IO.StringReader RawXml_WithNamespaces var o1 MyType1 s1.Deserialize new NamespaceIgnorantXmlTextReader sr.. again n s1.Serialize new XTWFND System.Console.Out o1 ns Console.WriteLine n n The result is like so MyType1 Label..