

c# Programming Glossary: o.selecttoken

What is the JSON.NET equivilant of XML's XPath, SelectNodes, SelectSingleNode?


of first person and convert to a string string name string o.SelectToken People 0 .Name Or if you wanted to select multiple values JObject.. and convert to a list of strings IList string names string o.SelectToken People 0 .Roles .Select t string t .ToList share improve this..

Fans-only content in facebook with asp.net C# sdk


var o JObject.Parse json var lPid Convert.ToString o.SelectToken page.id .Replace var lLiked Convert.ToString o.SelectToken.. page.id .Replace var lLiked Convert.ToString o.SelectToken page.liked .Replace var lUserId Convert.ToString o.SelectToken.. page.liked .Replace var lUserId Convert.ToString o.SelectToken user_id .Replace You need to add reference to json libraries..

Decode Signed Request Without Authentication


var o JObject.Parse json var lPid Convert.ToString o.SelectToken page.id .Replace var lLiked Convert.ToString o.SelectToken.. page.id .Replace var lLiked Convert.ToString o.SelectToken page.liked .Replace var lUserId Convert.ToString o.SelectToken.. page.liked .Replace var lUserId Convert.ToString o.SelectToken user_id .Replace You need to add reference to json libraries..