c# Programming Glossary: obfuscated
What are the pros and cons of writing C#/Xaml vs. C++/Xaml WinRT applications in Windows8? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10031929/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-writing-c-xaml-vs-c-xaml-winrt-applications-in more difficult to reverse engineer even when compared with obfuscated .NET code. Though sly thieves can steal your IP regardless...
How to protect .Net exe from Decompiling/Cracking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11711446/how-to-protect-net-exe-from-decompiling-cracking The jinni is out of the bottle now that they have the non obfuscated code. There is not much you can do unless you drastically re..
Compiling C# to Native? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1921656/compiling-c-sharp-to-native In practice however a skilled human can easily read obfuscated code. Compiling to native code defeats the purpose of having..
Integer ID obfuscation techniques http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2565478/integer-id-obfuscation-techniques than or equal to 0 which makes it harder to guess an obfuscated number. I also use a secret word to seed a pseudo number generator..
query string parameter obfuscation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3569783/query-string-parameter-obfuscation id 1844 to www.domain.com id 3GQ5DTL3oVd91WsGj74gcQ The obfuscated param should only include a z and A Z and 0 9 characters. I..
WPF/C#: Where should I be saving user preferences files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/396229/wpf-c-where-should-i-be-saving-user-preferences-files stored in the app.config. User settings are stored in an obfuscated directory deep within the User Document Settings folder. The..
Draw Custom Buttons on Windows Vista/7 Aero Titlebar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4117874/draw-custom-buttons-on-windows-vista-7-aero-titlebar in .NET Reflector. The down side is that the program is obfuscated. Not like I wanted to decompile the program or anything I just..
Should you obfuscate a commercial .Net application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/71195/should-you-obfuscate-a-commercial-net-application worth the effort to select buy and use such a tool Are the obfuscated binaries really safe from reverse engineering c# .net obfuscation.. here and they may meet your needs. It's possible that the obfuscated binaries aren't safe from reverse engineering just like it's.. though it can be more difficult to use reflection with obfuscated code and if you're using something like log4net to generate..
AutoMapper for Func's between selector types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7424501/automapper-for-funcs-between-selector-types to test this out. Hopefully my explanation was not too obfuscated but unfortunately there isn't really a simpler approach to doing..
Possible to remove and add a reference to csproj programmatically via a batch file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8955964/possible-to-remove-and-add-a-reference-to-csproj-programmatically-via-a-batch-fi my control library. Examples.csproj should reference the obfuscated control library under SDK . Examples.csproj also exists on dev.. it references output of ControlLibrary.csproj on non obfuscated form. Essentially what im creating here is a folder structure..
C# - How to access internal class from external assembly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/920844/c-sharp-how-to-access-internal-class-from-external-assembly in the next version breaking your code or it could be obfuscated breaking your code or you might not have enough trust breaking..