c# Programming Glossary: oauth
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775594/how-to-secure-an-asp-net-web-api access my application's data. I've read quite a lot about OAuth and it seems to be the standard but finding a good sample with.. to be incredibly difficult especially for a newbie to OAuth . Is there a sample that actually builds and works and shows.. to implement this I've downloaded numerous samples DotNetOAuth documentation is hopeless from a newbie perspective Thinktecture..
REST service authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14996673/rest-service-authentication this it would be better to take a look at Oauth2. OAuth2 If you want to have full access over your authentication you.. where they ask if you really need Oauth. From page 16 Is OAuth all you need for API security For server to server APIs APIs.. APIs designed to be used only by a small number of servers OAuth is overkill. Having a separate set of authentication credentials..
How to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3433252/how-to-decode-oauth-2-0-for-canvas-signed-request-in-c to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C# I'm able to successfully..
OAuth 2.0 Service Provider .NET libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3997172/oauth-2-0-service-provider-net-libraries 2.0 Service Provider .NET libraries I'm currently investigating.. Provider .NET libraries I'm currently investigating OAuth 2.0 Service Provider solutions for .NET I appreciate that 2.0.. 2.0 oauth provider share improve this question DotNetOAuth has OAuth2 support http dotnetopenauth.net Azure ACS also supports..
Facebook/ Twitter with dotnetopenauth? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4821747/facebook-twitter-with-dotnetopenauth able to use Facebook and Twitter to login. This requires OAuth so I am looking for a tutorial on how to use DotNetOpenAuth.. I am looking for a tutorial on how to use DotNetOpenAuth OAuth. I'm having trouble trying to find some simple tutorials on.. solution file. Now open up the web.config file for the OAuthClient project. Next edit the following settings Facebook sign..
How to get Google Analytics data using OAuth? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005665/how-to-get-google-analytics-data-using-oauth to get Google Analytics data using OAuth Hy guys we are developing a system which will provide users.. using DotNetOpenAuth.ApplicationBlock using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth using Google.GData.Client using Google.GData.Analytics In DotNetOpenAuth.. In DotNetOpenAuth there is sample project named OAuthConsumer which you need. Change it to requiest authorization..
Fans-only content in facebook with asp.net C# sdk http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6595259/fans-only-content-in-facebook-with-asp-net-c-sharp-sdk from http json.codeplex.com Also refere to How to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C# if you are worndering about..
C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8899000/c-sharp-google-calendar-v3-2-legged-authentication-fails ClientCredentials.ClientSecret var authenticator new OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator ClientCredentials.ClientID ClientCredentials.ClientSecret.. work on personal accounts as there's no way to get an OAuth 1.0 key secret pair you will have to use online authentication.. most likely failing because you haven't properly set the OAuth keys this causes 401s. The other thing that causes 401s is using..
Best practice for saving sensitive data in Windows 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9052482/best-practice-for-saving-sensitive-data-in-windows-8 to enter credentials once. I've successfully used this for OAuth tokens Retrieving credentials note the stupid exception that..
Getting FB Page data from facebook using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10006708/getting-fb-page-data-from-facebook-using-c-sharp facebook application's parameters https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token type client_cred client_id yourappid client_secret.. void Main string args var client new WebClient string oauthUrl string.Format https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token.. string oauthUrl string.Format https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token type client_cred client_id 0 client_secret 1 appid..
Is there a JSON Web Token (JWT) example in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10055158/is-there-a-json-web-token-jwt-example-in-c at least start with. Any help with this would be great c# oauth oauth 2.0 jwt share improve this question Thanks everyone... start with. Any help with this would be great c# oauth oauth 2.0 jwt share improve this question Thanks everyone. I found.. auth prediction aud https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token exp 1328554385 iat 1328550785 segments.Add Base64UrlEncode..
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775594/how-to-secure-an-asp-net-web-api What is everybody doing in this space c# asp.net mvc oauth asp.net web api share improve this question We have managed..
Google OAuth2 Service Account Access Token Request gives 'Invalid Request' Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11939026/google-oauth2-service-account-access-token-request-gives-invalid-request-respo auth bigquery aud https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token iat times 0 exp times 1 encoded header var headerSerialized.. client new HttpClient var uri https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token var post new Dictionary string string assertion jwt.. string assertion jwt grant_type urn 3Aietf 3Aparams 3Aoauth 3Agrant type 3Ajwt bearer var content new FormUrlEncodedContent..
How do I use a Service Account to Access the Google Analytics API V3 with .NET C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12980215/how-do-i-use-a-service-account-to-access-the-google-analytics-api-v3-with-net-c 2.0 message for https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token grant_type assertion assertion_type http oauth.net grant_type.. o oauth2 token grant_type assertion assertion_type http oauth.net grant_type jwt 1.0 bearer assertion a bunch of encoded characters.. DotNetOpenAuth.Http HTTP POST https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token 2012 10 19 13 27 36 954 GMT 4 8 ERROR DotNetOpenAuth.Http..
Authenticate and request a user's timeline with Twitter API 1.1 oAuth http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17067996/authenticate-and-request-a-users-timeline-with-twitter-api-1-1-oauth objects not a 3rd party application Authenticate using oauth key and secret Make an authenticated call to pull back to display.. users timeline c# asp.net twitter api webclient twitter oauth share improve this question Here is what I did to get this.. superSecretSecret var oAuthUrl https api.twitter.com oauth2 token var screenname aScreenName Do the Authenticate var authHeaderFormat..
How to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3433252/how-to-decode-oauth-2-0-for-canvas-signed-request-in-c true What is the equivalent in C# c# facebook .net 2.0 oauth share improve this question The following should help you.. user_id string jObject user_id parameters.Add oauth_token string jObject oauth_token var expires long jObject expires.. jObject user_id parameters.Add oauth_token string jObject oauth_token var expires long jObject expires 0 parameters.Add expires..
OAuth 2.0 Service Provider .NET libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3997172/oauth-2-0-service-provider-net-libraries currently aware of other than DotNetOpenAuth c# .net oauth oauth 2.0 oauth provider share improve this question DotNetOAuth.. aware of other than DotNetOpenAuth c# .net oauth oauth 2.0 oauth provider share improve this question DotNetOAuth.. of other than DotNetOpenAuth c# .net oauth oauth 2.0 oauth provider share improve this question DotNetOAuth has OAuth2..
How to get Google Analytics data using OAuth? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005665/how-to-get-google-analytics-data-using-oauth any advices or links will be appreciated. thanks c# .net oauth google analytics authsub share improve this question Ok..
Facebook logout C# SDK http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023908/facebook-logout-c-sharp-sdk using the FB C# SDK. Here's a sample of my test var oauth new FacebookOAuthClient oauth.AppId fbSection.AppId string.. a sample of my test var oauth new FacebookOAuthClient oauth.AppId fbSection.AppId string bbc @ http www.bbc.co.uk var.. new Dictionary string object next bbc this.NavigateUrl oauth.GetLogoutUrl logoutParameters .AbsoluteUri The problem is that..
facebook c# sdk getting started http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720023/facebook-c-sharp-sdk-getting-started to use the folling URL https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token grant_type client_credentials client_id APPID client_secret..
C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8899000/c-sharp-google-calendar-v3-2-legged-authentication-fails this and the request that is fired is quite okey it has a oauth token and such But still the response is an exception with Invalid.. .Fetch Assert.IsTrue result.Items.Count 0 c# oauth google api google calendar share improve this question NB..