c# Programming Glossary: object's
Detecting design mode from a Control's constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1166226/detecting-design-mode-from-a-controls-constructor whether one is in design or runtime mode from within an object's constructor I realise that this may not be possible and that..
Avoiding the woes of Invoke/BeginInvoke in cross-thread WinForm event handling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1364116/avoiding-the-woes-of-invoke-begininvoke-in-cross-thread-winform-event-handling ObjectDisposedException or potentially even re create the object's handle. And since InvokeRequired can return true when we are..
How to create and connect custom user buttons/controls with lines using windows forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15819318/how-to-create-and-connect-custom-user-buttons-controls-with-lines-using-windows The left panel allows edition of the currently selected object's values. The functionality of the UI is completely decoupled..
Overhead of a .NET array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589669/overhead-of-a-net-array for an object of that type. So if we looked at a string object's memory in the above run it would have a type pointer of 0x00329134...
C# Connecting Through Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1938990/c-sharp-connecting-through-proxy basically assigning the WebProxy object to the request object's proxy property. This request will then use the proxy you define...
Throwing Exceptions best practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22623/throwing-exceptions-best-practices re throwing them I want to make sure that the Exception object's InnerException and stack trace are preserved. Is there a difference..
How do I sort a two-dimensional array in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232395/how-do-i-sort-a-two-dimensional-array-in-c DataTable System.Data.DataTable and then use the DataTable object's Select method to generate a sorted array of DataRow objects..
Why XML-Serializable class need a parameterless constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/267724/why-xml-serializable-class-need-a-parameterless-constructor xml serialization share improve this question During an object's de serialization the class responsible for de serializing an..
Most awkward/misleading method in the .Net API? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2828917/most-awkward-misleading-method-in-the-net-api InvalidOperationException check the value of the Freezable object's CanFreeze property to determine whether it can be frozen before..
Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2873767/can-unity-be-made-to-not-throw-synchronizationlockexception-all-the-time is don't do anything during build up that could change an object's lifetime manager. The second scenario was that every time RegisterInstance..
What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/301160/what-are-the-differences-between-various-threading-synchronization-options-in-c Ensures that only one thread can take ownership of the object's lock enter the locked block of code. Other threads must wait..
Autonumber with Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3011764/autonumber-with-entity-framework message AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager...
What is the best way to dump entire objects to a log in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/360277/what-is-the-best-way-to-dump-entire-objects-to-a-log-in-c entire objects to a log in C# So for viewing a current object's state at runtime I really like what the Visual Studio Immediate..
Double dispatch in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42587/double-dispatch-in-c type of the single object. For double dispatch both the object's type and the method sole argument's type is taken into account...
LINQ Select Distinct with Anonymous Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/543482/linq-select-distinct-with-anonymous-types uses all the public properties on the type to compute an object's hash code and test for equality. If two objects of the same..
Update Row if it Exists Else Insert Logic with Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5557829/update-row-if-it-exists-else-insert-logic-with-entity-framework context.SaveChanges If you can use any knowledge about the object's key you can use something like this if myEntity.Id 0 context.MyEntities.Attach..
What causes .Attach() to be slow in EF4? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5917478/what-causes-attach-to-be-slow-in-ef4 seems to be spent for taking the snapshot of the attached object's properties by the change tracking mechanism. If you don't need..
Using the using statment in c# [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/614959/using-the-using-statment-in-c-sharp
POCO vs DTO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/725348/poco-vs-dto same context in .Net. Don't let frameworks dictate your object's design. A DTO's only purpose is to transfer state and should..
Is there a much better way to create deep and shallow clones in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8025890/is-there-a-much-better-way-to-create-deep-and-shallow-clones-in-c would reffer to the same memory location as the original object's fields properties so each change in the cloned object will be..