c# Programming Glossary: leg
Kinect sideways skeleton tracking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10192476/kinect-sideways-skeleton-tracking out of 3 measurements work correctly . Whenever I lift my leg the Kinect stops skeleton tracking correctly. Does anyone have.. Update 2 At screenshot 2 I'm trying to track my front leg highlighted as green. I know the other leg isn't tracked but.. track my front leg highlighted as green. I know the other leg isn't tracked but this does not matter I guess. Update 3 The..
What Does :: Mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11870508/what-does-mean you have several Leg classes one for furniture one for the leg of a journey and both are in imported namespaces with the result..
How to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15796115/how-to-create-initializer-to-create-and-migrate-mysql-database need but if any issues w MySQL etc. probably some more leg work here. Note Still seeding doesn't call if you have a db..
Breadth First Vs Depth First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687731/breadth-first-vs-depth-first order A B D C E F Notice that you go all the way down one leg before moving on. A breadth first traversal would visit the..
Are get and set functions popular with C++ programmers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737409/are-get-and-set-functions-popular-with-c-programmers this bar bar Now to me that seems like a whole lot of leg work considering using Visual Studio's tools the C# implementation..