c# Programming Glossary: leave
XML Serialize generic list of serializable objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212742/xml-serialize-generic-list-of-serializable-objects for more detail tried to respond in a way that would leave me understanding what details are required or a basic answer..
XML serialization of interface property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1333864/xml-serialization-of-interface-property type reader.Read consume the value if type null return leave T at default value XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer..
Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438371/win32-api-function-to-programmatically-enable-disable-device devices directly from Win32 and if so how so I will leave this question open. c# .net windows winapi pinvoke share..
Understanding Garbage Collection in .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17130382/understanding-garbage-collection-in-net the way you hope and expected it would work. Which does leave with the task of explaining why it works so differently when..
Weak event handler model for use with lambdas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1747235/weak-event-handler-model-for-use-with-lambdas defeats the object... Note in some circumstances this CAN leave references to the wrapping classes created for the lambdas in..
What exactly is an “open generic type” in .NET? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2173107/what-exactly-is-an-open-generic-type-in-net bound definition. You can't bind some type parameters and leave others unbound. For instance you can't have Dictionary int or..
Changing master volume level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/294292/changing-master-volume-level the return codes of all the mixerXXX functions but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader read as I was too lazy to..
What are major differences between C# and Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/295224/what-are-major-differences-between-c-sharp-and-java This is not a question on which one is better that part I leave to someone else to discuss. I don't care about it. I've been..
Calling generic method with a type argument known only at execution time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/325156/calling-generic-method-with-a-type-argument-known-only-at-execution-time null null No target no arguments Original answer Let's leave aside the obvious problems of calling a variable interface to..
Is it considered acceptable to not call Dispose() on a TPL Task object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3734280/is-it-considered-acceptable-to-not-call-dispose-on-a-tpl-task-object and makes no comment on task disposal. I know if I just leave it the finalizer will catch it in the end but is this going..
multimap in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/380595/multimap-in-net Removes the specified value for the specified key. It will leave the key in the dictionary. summary param name key The key. param..
Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/392864/splash-screen-waiting-until-thread-finishes method. This will run that method in a separate thread and leave the form's thread free to re paint itself. share improve this..
How to embed a text file in a .NET assembly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433171/how-to-embed-a-text-file-in-a-net-assembly something was unclear about the above description please leave a comment and I'll edit it until it is complete or makes sense..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface garbage collector will free it. But do you really want to leave 250MB of memory just sitting there waiting for the garbage collector..
URL Encoding using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575440/url-encoding-using-c-sharp question. If I am creating a folder on the server can I leave the illegal chars in I only ask this because the server is Linux..
How do I convert Word files to PDF programmatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/607669/how-do-i-convert-word-files-to-pdf-programmatically ref oMissing ref oMissing Close the Word document but leave the Word application open. doc has to be cast to type _Document..
Timeout Pattern - How bad is Thread.Abort really? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/710070/timeout-pattern-how-bad-is-thread-abort-really question Potentially very bad. The aborted thread could leave shared state corrupted could leave asynchronous operations running.. aborted thread could leave shared state corrupted could leave asynchronous operations running ... See Joe Duffy's blog Managed..
servicestack REST API and CORS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8211930/servicestack-rest-api-and-cors allowedHeaders Content Type allowCredentials false You can leave out any of the values matching the default. E.g. if you just..
Changing the user agent of the WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937573/changing-the-user-agent-of-the-webbrowser-control I should just copy paste from a website but I'd rather leave the answer here instead of a link. If anyone can clarify in..
Replace parameter in lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11159697/replace-parameter-in-lambda-expression override Expression VisitLambda T Expression T node Leave all parameters alone except the one we want to replace. var..
Install to same path when upgrading application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11474320/install-to-same-path-when-upgrading-application Specify the RegKey as SOFTWARE ManufacturerName Leave root pointing to HKLM Specify the Value as InstallDir Add a.. Condition Specify the condition as SEARCHFORINSTALLDIR Leave InstallUrl and Message Right click the Setup Project View File..
Parent Control Mouse Enter/Leave Events With Child Controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1161280/parent-control-mouse-enter-leave-events-with-child-controls Control Mouse Enter Leave Events With Child Controls I have a C# .NET 2.0 WinForms app... control bounds . I've tried handling MouseEnter and MouseLeave on the parent and both child controls but this means the action.. Parent.OnMouseEnter start doing something Parent.OnMouseLeave stop Child.OnMouseEnter start doing something Child.OnMouseLeave..
Setting external application focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1922707/setting-external-application-focus _ SetForegroundWindow ByVal handle As IntPtr As Boolean ' Leave function empty End Function System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport.. ByVal handle As IntPtr _ ByVal nCmd As Int32 As Boolean ' Leave function empty End Function End Class Then in your code instead..
What technique can protect a secret from a fully trusted user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2150912/what-technique-can-protect-a-secret-from-a-fully-trusted-user security system might sound fun and cheap it is neither. Leave this sort of thing to people who have spent their careers studying..
Event handler raising method convention http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2282894/event-handler-raising-method-convention from nobug included this code protected virtual void OnLeave EmployeeEventArgs e var handler Leave if handler null handler.. virtual void OnLeave EmployeeEventArgs e var handler Leave if handler null handler this e Resharper also generates similar.. fix. My question is why is this line necessary var handler Leave Why is it better than writing this protected virtual void OnLeave..
C# - TextBox Validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6404947/c-sharp-textbox-validation question There are several events that you can use here Leave LostFocus and Validating there is more discussion of these various.. various events on MSDN here . Under certain scenarios the Leave and the LostFocus will not fire so the best to use in your case..
HttpRequest and POST http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7124797/httprequest-and-post You don't need to explicitly set the content length Leave it alone the framework will set it for you based on what you..
How to force a user to take a suggested entry into a ComboBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7759887/how-to-force-a-user-to-take-a-suggested-entry-into-a-combobox stored in database... You can call this same function in a Leave event handler to prevent the user from leaving the combobox.. bool validation do validation here private void ComboBox_Leave object sender EventArgs e if ValidateSelection ComboBox.Focus..
How to update textbox in form1 from form2? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7969582/how-to-update-textbox-in-form1-from-form2 the controls will be textbox1 and button1 respectively. Leave it as is. Double click on the button on form1 . It will bring..
How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869744/how-to-write-a-scalable-tcp-ip-based-server in place. This should be a good start for you're design. Leave a comment if you have any more questions around this. share..
publishing asp.net application to the internet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9509022/publishing-asp-net-application-to-the-internet for this web site click the Add button Set the IP address. Leave the Host Header Value blank Click Ok At this point there should..