c# Programming Glossary: led
SGML parser .NET recommendations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1148083/sgml-parser-net-recommendations and have tried very naively to use XmlReader and this has led to some interesting revelations i.e. the difference between..
How to prevent blank xmlns attributes in output from .NET's XmlDocument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135000/how-to-prevent-blank-xmlns-attributes-in-output-from-nets-xmldocument
How to convert a Unicode character to its ASCII equivalent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138449/how-to-convert-a-unicode-character-to-its-ascii-equivalent up the Windows 1252 page on wiki and found that it's called a codepage. The wikipedia article for Code page which stated.. it had always done for variants of EBCDIC encodings. This led me to codepage 437 n ASCII compatible code pages the lower 128..
Help getting started in programming? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172206/help-getting-started-in-programming forms and just fiddling with the Excel data itself. That led to one of the supervisors securing me access to one of the local..
Why does BCrypt.net GenerateSalt(31) return straight away? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2222383/why-does-bcrypt-net-generatesalt31-return-straight-away BCrypt.net GenerateSalt 31 return straight away I stumbled across BCrypt.net after reading Jeff Atwood's post about storing.. reading Jeff Atwood's post about storing passwords which led me to Thomas Ptacek's recommendation to use BCrypt to store.. to use BCrypt to store passwords. Which finally led me to this C# implementation of BCrypt In the comments on the..
Why does C# (4.0) not allow co- and contravariance in generic class types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2541467/why-does-c-sharp-4-0-not-allow-co-and-contravariance-in-generic-class-types and C# should allow this. Just trying to understand what led to that it doesnt. c# generics c# 4.0 covariance contravariance..
Why are circular references in Visual Studio a bad practice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308915/why-are-circular-references-in-visual-studio-a-bad-practice only building the projects you're working on. This has led to at least one circular reference in the codebase that has..
Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/333829/why-cant-i-define-a-default-constructor-for-a-struct-in-net C#4.0 or will the CLR defined default constructor be called Edit Jon Skeet answered To use your example what would you want.. introduce an expectation that the constructor would be called when it wouldn't. For instance consider this MyStruct foo new.. to be executed in all cases but that would have led to more confusion. Or at least so I believe the argument goes...
Add / remove logfiles during runtime in NLog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3516242/add-remove-logfiles-during-runtime-in-nlog improve this question The second post on this thread led me to the solution http nlog project.org forum.html#nabble td1685349..
How do I DllExport a C++ Class for use in a C# Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4741035/how-do-i-dllexport-a-c-class-for-use-in-a-c-sharp-application default settings. From the above linked documentation I am led to believe that all public functions and member variables are.. directly import C classes which are effectively name mangled C interfaces . Your options are exposing the class via COM creating..
How to determine if an arbitrary URL matches a defined route http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4748342/how-to-determine-if-an-arbitrary-url-matches-a-defined-route RouteData I can access the route parameters as well. This led to the creation of another Uri extension method public static..
Inline property initialisation and trailing comma http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5245152/inline-property-initialisation-and-trailing-comma them while others Microsoft's JScript didn't. And so this led to a spate of why doesn't this work in IE questions here and..
Why is this switch on type case considered confusing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6304815/why-is-this-switch-on-type-case-considered-confusing type and got stuck at switch input.GetType Quick search led me to Why doesn't C# switch statement allow using typeof GetType..
Reliably stop System.Threading.Timer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6379541/reliably-stop-system-threading-timer I've stopped it. I can't seem to find any and this has led me on occassion to resort to the dreaded thread thread.sleep..
CORS Support within WCF REST Services http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7234599/cors-support-within-wcf-rest-services services Now you have to find his downloadable library called WebHttpCors.dll . But there is enough there above to help you.. words phrases that I've been googling binging that finally led me somewhere. Result Exception... Component returned failure..
Performance Counter - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8171865/performance-counter-system-invalidoperationexception-category-does-not-exist share improve this question Antenka has led you in a good direction here. You should not be disposing and.. later if we need it again. Now we have a static method called GetRequestsPerSecond for you to call which will return the current.. be only one PerformanceCounter and it will always be polled at exactly 1 times per second regardless of how quickly you..
Get current selection in WindowsExplorer from a C# application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8292953/get-current-selection-in-windowsexplorer-from-a-c-sharp-application into PInvoke COM solutions and found this article which led me to this code SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows new SHDocVw.ShellWindows..
Convert SQL to Linq left join with null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9171063/convert-sql-to-linq-left-join-with-null
C# JSON Parsing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13605667/c-sharp-json-parsing Hi I am having trouble parson some JSON data title LED SIDE DIRECTION INDICATOR 9 33V CATEGORY 6 19cm CABLE CHROME.. INDICATOR 9 33V CATEGORY 6 19cm CABLE CHROME BASE LED AUTO LAMPS user_price inc_tax_value 34.067 ex_tax_value 30.97.. products 3102CM all_warehouse_quantity 0 description1 LED SIDE DIRECTION INDICATOR description2 9 33V CATEGORY 6 19cm..
Control USB port's power? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1925237/control-usb-ports-power to be able to use USB battery as a power supply for an LED or something like that. So then a program would power it on..
Putting a .txt file into a DataGridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7095359/putting-a-txt-file-into-a-datagridview 0 Crystal X2 XTL 00012G 53.061 183.469 0 Crystal D1 LED 00011G 58.611 181.394 0 LED U10 IC 00198G 56.661 205.744 0 SOT.. 53.061 183.469 0 Crystal D1 LED 00011G 58.611 181.394 0 LED U10 IC 00198G 56.661 205.744 0 SOT IC 00173G 59.911 205.744..