c# Programming Glossary: html.renderpartial
C# and ASP.NET MVC: Using #if directive in a view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2951128/c-sharp-and-asp-net-mvc-using-if-directive-in-a-view others. So even when rendering it as a partial view via Html.RenderPartial BannerView it's not working. c# asp.net mvc conditional debug..
MVC 3: How to render a view without its layout page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5318385/mvc-3-how-to-render-a-view-without-its-layout-page because it forces me to create empty views with just a @ Html.RenderPartial in them for the standard GET requests. public ActionResult Index.. else return View Then in Index.cshtml do this @ Html.RenderPartial partialView 2 I can remove the layout designation from _viewstart..
ASP.NET MVC 3 Model-binding and form fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5341917/asp-net-mvc-3-model-binding-and-form-fields @foreach PostComment postComment in Model.PostComments Html.RenderPartial PostComment postComment div BELOW IS THE ADD COMMENT FORM div..
Multiple Model in a Single View (# MVC3) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5763631/multiple-model-in-a-single-view-mvc3 the partial you will pass the relevant view model Html.RenderPartial 'StudentView' Model.studentvm Hope it makes sense share improve..
MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048726/mvc3-unobtrusive-validation-not-working-after-ajax-call editor template you have to have a form context. Since the Html.RenderPartial was being done within a form then the editor template had a..
Passing data to Master Page in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/78548/passing-data-to-master-page-in-asp-net-mvc float Price get set public SubViewData SubViewData get set Html.RenderPartial Sub Model.SubViewData This is example code only and is not intended..
Generic partial view: how to set a generic class as model? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/875085/generic-partial-view-how-to-set-a-generic-class-as-model I pass implementations to a partial view like this Html.RenderPartial SimpleTrustGridViewer ViewData employeeGrid as TrustGrid EmployeeInfoDTO..