c# Programming Glossary: htcaption
move a c# form without border style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1241812/move-a-c-sharp-form-without-border-style Capture Test 0x1 HTCLIENT Application Client Area 0x2 HTCAPTION Application Title Bar This function intercepts all the commands..
Resize WinForm, with no border? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2575216/resize-winform-with-no-border this.PointToClient pos if pos.Y cCaption m.Result IntPtr 2 HTCAPTION return if pos.X this.ClientSize.Width cGrip pos.Y this.ClientSize.Height..
Drag borderless windows form by mouse [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4767831/drag-borderless-windows-form-by-mouse 0x84 private const int HTCLIENT 0x1 private const int HTCAPTION 0x2 Handling the window messages protected override void WndProc.. int message.Result HTCLIENT message.Result IntPtr HTCAPTION public MyDraggableForm InitializeComponent As the blog post..
How do I make a WPF window movable by dragging the extended window frame? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5493149/how-do-i-make-a-wpf-window-movable-by-dragging-the-extended-window-frame area was really a click on the title bar by returning HTCAPTION . I've done that in my own WinForms apps to delightful effect... handled true return new IntPtr DwmApiInterop.HTCAPTION default return IntPtr.Zero The problem is that since I'm blindly.. that since I'm blindly setting handled true and returning HTCAPTION clicking anywhere but the window icon or the control buttons..