c# Programming Glossary: html
Looking for C# HTML parser [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/100358/looking-for-c-sharp-html-parser duplicate I'm looking for a library method to parse an html file with more html specific features than generic xml parsing.. for a library method to parse an html file with more html specific features than generic xml parsing libraries. c# .net.. features than generic xml parsing libraries. c# .net html parsing html content extraction share I used the HTMLAgilityPack..
Bundler not including .min files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11980458/bundler-not-including-min-files ~ Scripts jquery.tmpl.min.js In my view I declare html head @Scripts.Render ~ Scripts jquery head body test body html.. head @Scripts.Render ~ Scripts jquery head body test body html And when it renders it only renders html head script src Scripts.. body test body html And when it renders it only renders html head script src Scripts jquery 1.8.0.js script head body test..
Websocket server: onopen function on the web socket is never called http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2211898/websocket-server-onopen-function-on-the-web-socket-is-never-called the corresponding client hosted on localhost 8080 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR.. W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999.. XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml head..
File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5193842/file-upload-asp-net-mvc-3-0 file in asp.net mvc . How can I upload the file using html input file control c# asp.net mvc asp.net mvc 3 share improve..
Convert HTML to PDF in .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564650/convert-html-to-pdf-in-net just gets messy. Is there any free library available c# html pdf share improve this question Try wkhtmtopdf . It is the..
Retrieving Property name from lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671968/retrieving-property-name-from-lambda-expression static RouteValueDictionary GetInfo T this HtmlHelper html Expression Func T object action where T class var expression.. action string name expression.Member.Name return GetInfo html name private static MemberExpression GetMemberInfo Expression..
Using C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/787932/using-c-sharp-regular-expressions-to-remove-html-tags brackets Can someone please help me with the code c# html regex parsing share improve this question As often stated.. You could use the following. String result Regex.Replace htmlDocument @ ^ String.Empty This will work for most cases but there..
How to use HTML Agility pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846994/how-to-use-html-agility-pack it. How do I use it in my project My project is in C#. c# html html agility pack share improve this question Download and.. do I use it in my project My project is in C#. c# html html agility pack share improve this question Download and build.. folder. Then as an example HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument There are various options..
Looking for C# HTML parser [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/100358/looking-for-c-sharp-html-parser for C# HTML parser duplicate I'm looking for a library method to parse.. html parsing html content extraction share I used the HTMLAgilityPack on a project for a previous employer and it was pretty..
How can I decode HTML characters in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/122641/how-can-i-decode-html-characters-in-c can I decode HTML characters in C# I have email addresses encoded with HTML character.. HTML characters in C# I have email addresses encoded with HTML character entities. Is there anything in .NET that can convert..
File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5193842/file-upload-asp-net-mvc-3-0 this in ASP.NET MVC. So you would start by creating an HTML form which would contain a file input @using Html.BeginForm..
Convert HTML to PDF in .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564650/convert-html-to-pdf-in-net HTML to PDF in .NET closed I want to generate PDF by passing HTML.. to PDF in .NET closed I want to generate PDF by passing HTML contents to a function. I have made use of ItextSharp for this..
How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/785715/how-can-i-strip-html-tags-from-a-string-in-asp-net can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET Using ASP.NET how can I strip.. a string in ASP.NET Using ASP.NET how can I strip the HTML tags from a given string reliably i.e. not using regex I am.. share improve this question If it is just stripping all HTML tags from a string this works reliably with regex as well. Replace..
Using C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/787932/using-c-sharp-regular-expressions-to-remove-html-tags C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags duplicate This question already has an answer here RegEx.. already has an answer here RegEx match open tags except XHTML self contained tags 36 answers How do I use C# regular.. How do I use C# regular expression to replace remove all HTML tags including the angle brackets Can someone please help me..
How to use HTML Agility pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846994/how-to-use-html-agility-pack to use HTML Agility pack How do I use the HTML Agility Pack My XHTML document.. to use HTML Agility pack How do I use the HTML Agility Pack My XHTML document is not completely valid. That's.. HTML Agility pack How do I use the HTML Agility Pack My XHTML document is not completely valid. That's why I wanted to use..
C# Login to Website via program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930807/c-sharp-login-to-website-via-program the form you can find this in the action attribute of the HTML's form tag string formParams string.Format email_address 0 password.. to view the results of the first POST you can recover the HTML it returned with using StreamReader sr new StreamReader resp.GetResponseStream..
C# WebBrowser Control - Uploading Files Not Working - Need Assistance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18687876/c-sharp-webbrowser-control-uploading-files-not-working-need-assistance Can't seem to do it and need some help. Here is the Html form action https post.testsite.com k IOkurrwY4xGI_EJMbjF5pg.. webBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName input foreach HtmlElement file in elements if file.GetAttribute name file file.Focus.. for this working code async Task PopulateInputFile HtmlElement file file.Focus delay the execution of SendKey to let..
Get all links on html page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2248411/get-all-links-on-html-page share improve this question I'd look at using the Html Agility Pack . Here's an example straight from their examples.. their examples page on how to find all the links in a page HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load url foreach HtmlNode.. page on how to find all the links in a page HtmlWeb hw new HtmlWeb HtmlDocument doc hw.Load url foreach HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes..
What is an MvcHtmlString and when should I use it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2293357/what-is-an-mvchtmlstring-and-when-should-i-use-it is an MvcHtmlString and when should I use it The documentation for MvcHtmlString.. and when should I use it The documentation for MvcHtmlString is not terribly enlightening Represents an HTML encoded.. are. It seems that some HTML helper methods return an MvcHtmlString but several examples I've seen online of custom helpers..
Model binding with nested child models and PartialViews in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2462506/model-binding-with-nested-child-models-and-partialviews-in-asp-net-mvc is null . On the PartialView I use strongly typed Html Helpers to do this Html.HiddenFor m m.TemplateId But because.. PartialView I use strongly typed Html Helpers to do this Html.HiddenFor m m.TemplateId But because the input elements on the.. . I tried using loosely typed helpers to overcome this Html.Hidden Content.TemplateId Model.TemplateId And when I'm dealing..
How do you convert Html to plain text? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286813/how-do-you-convert-html-to-plain-text do you convert Html to plain text duplicate This question already has an answer.. HTML to Text in C# 15 answers I have snippets of Html stored in a table. Not entire pages no tags or the like just.. basic formatting. I would like to be able to display that Html as text only no formatting on a given page actually just the..
How to set a default value with Html.TextBoxFor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3034986/how-to-set-a-default-value-with-html-textboxfor to set a default value with Html.TextBoxFor Simple question if you use the Html Helper from.. value with Html.TextBoxFor Simple question if you use the Html Helper from ASP.NET MVC Framework 1 it is easy to set a default.. a default value on a textbox because there is an overload Html.TextBox string name object value . When I tried using the Html.TextBoxFor..
Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading DropDownList) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3743803/populating-dropdownlist-using-mvc2-based-on-another-dropdownlist-cascading-drop Didn't need additional plugins 1000 Lines of code... The Html The first DDL is being fed from a List in my ViewModel You can.. fed from a List in my ViewModel You can change this... Html.DropDownList MakeList new SelectList Model.Makes ID Name select..
Grab all text from html with Html Agility Pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4182594/grab-all-text-from-html-with-html-agility-pack all text from html with Html Agility Pack Input html body p foo a href 'http www.example.com'..
Razor: Declarative HTML helpers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4451287/razor-declarative-html-helpers
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums POST Method. And than the view div class editor field @Html.DropDownListFor model model.State model model.States div thanks.. return expression.Object.ToString public static MvcHtmlString EnumDropDownListFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel.. MvcHtmlString EnumDropDownListFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper Expression Func TModel TProperty expression..
itextsharp - CSS not getting applied - C# .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5321779/itextsharp-css-not-getting-applied-c-sharp-net Response.ContentType application pdf string Html @ h1 h1 h1 p A paragraph p ul li one li li two li li three li.. li ul StyleSheet styles new StyleSheet styles.LoadTagStyle HtmlTags.H1 HtmlTags.FONTSIZE 16 styles.LoadTagStyle HtmlTags.P HtmlTags.FONTSIZE.. styles new StyleSheet styles.LoadTagStyle HtmlTags.H1 HtmlTags.FONTSIZE 16 styles.LoadTagStyle HtmlTags.P HtmlTags.FONTSIZE..
C# Is there a LINQ to HTML, or some other good .Net HTML manipulation API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/542194/c-sharp-is-there-a-linq-to-html-or-some-other-good-net-html-manipulation-api from this url I tried using Linq to Xml to parse the Html document but this only works if the HTML document is extremely.. researching the HTML Agility Pack from CodePlex. Note Html Agility Pack now supports Linq to Objects via a LINQ to Xml..
HTML Agility Pack HtmlDocument Show All Html? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5599012/html-agility-pack-htmldocument-show-all-html Agility Pack HtmlDocument Show All Html I am using the following to get a web.. Agility Pack HtmlDocument Show All Html I am using the following to get a web page which works fine.. following to get a web page which works fine public static HtmlDocument GetWebPageFromUrl string url var hw new HtmlWeb return..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model to be editable. @model ViewModels.MyViewModels.Theme @Html.LabelFor Model.Theme.name @foreach var category in Model.Theme.. Model.Theme.name @foreach var category in Model.Theme @Html.LabelFor category.name @foreach var product in theme.Products.. category.name @foreach var product in theme.Products @Html.LabelFor product.name @foreach var order in product.Orders ..
How to render a Razor View to a string in ASP.NET MVC 3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9243433/how-to-render-a-razor-view-to-a-string-in-asp-net-mvc-3 context but because of that you are not able to use the Html helpers which rely on the http context . But it is perfect to..