c# Programming Glossary: htmlhelper
ASP.Net MVC RouteData and arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752721/asp-net-mvc-routedata-and-arrays share improve this question I'm thinking that a custom HtmlHelper would be in order. public static string ActionLinkWithList this.. be in order. public static string ActionLinkWithList this HtmlHelper helper string text string action string controller object routeData..
HTML.ActionLink method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/200476/html-actionlink-method ActionLink signature public static string ActionLink this HtmlHelper htmlHelper string linkText string controllerName string.. ActionLink signature public static string ActionLink this HtmlHelper htmlHelper string linkText string actionName string controllerName..
TextBoxFor rendering to HTML with prefix on the ID attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2051985/textboxfor-rendering-to-html-with-prefix-on-the-id-attribute MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper string prefix Expression Func TModel TProperty.. MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper string prefix Expression Func TModel TProperty.. MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper string prefix Expression Func TModel TProperty..
force browsers to get latest js and css files in asp.net application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2185872/force-browsers-to-get-latest-js-and-css-files-in-asp-net-application public static MvcHtmlString IncludeVersionedJs this HtmlHelper helper string filename string version GetVersion helper filename.. version ' script private static string GetVersion this HtmlHelper helper string filename var context helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext..
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums MvcHtmlString EnumDropDownListFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper Expression Func TModel TProperty expression..
Better way to get active page link in MVC 3 Razor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323021/better-way-to-get-active-page-link-in-mvc-3-razor MenuExtensions public static MvcHtmlString MenuItem this HtmlHelper htmlHelper string text string action string controller var..
Retrieving Property name from lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671968/retrieving-property-name-from-lambda-expression those. public static RouteValueDictionary GetInfo T this HtmlHelper html Expression Func T object action where T class var expression..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper System.Linq.Expressions.Expression ' cannot be inferred from.. and other ...For helpers work in MVC So you've used the HtmlHelper T extensions for LabelFor and TextBoxFor and others and you.. static MvcHtmlString TextBoxFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper Expression Func TModel TProperty expression..
What is the best or most interesting use of Extension Methods you've seen? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/954198/what-is-the-best-or-most-interesting-use-of-extension-methods-youve-seen play from me lately public static IDisposable Tag this HtmlHelper html string tagName if html null throw new ArgumentNullException.. to complete the dependencies public static void Write this HtmlHelper html string content if html null throw new ArgumentNullException..
HTML.ActionLink method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/200476/html-actionlink-method signature public static string ActionLink this HtmlHelper htmlHelper string linkText string controllerName string actionName.. signature public static string ActionLink this HtmlHelper htmlHelper string linkText string actionName string controllerName..
TextBoxFor rendering to HTML with prefix on the ID attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2051985/textboxfor-rendering-to-html-with-prefix-on-the-id-attribute TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper string prefix Expression Func TModel TProperty expression return.. TModel TProperty expression return ValidationMessageFor htmlHelper prefix expression null new RouteValueDictionary public static.. TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper string prefix Expression Func TModel TProperty expression string..
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper Expression Func TModel TProperty expression where TModel class.. class string inputName GetInputName expression var value htmlHelper.ViewData.Model null default TProperty expression.Compile htmlHelper.ViewData.Model.. null default TProperty expression.Compile htmlHelper.ViewData.Model return htmlHelper.DropDownList inputName ToSelectList..
Better way to get active page link in MVC 3 Razor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323021/better-way-to-get-active-page-link-in-mvc-3-razor public static MvcHtmlString MenuItem this HtmlHelper htmlHelper string text string action string controller var li new TagBuilder.. string controller var li new TagBuilder li var routeData htmlHelper.ViewContext.RouteData var currentAction routeData.GetRequiredString.. li.AddCssClass active li.InnerHtml htmlHelper.ActionLink text action controller .ToHtmlString return MvcHtmlString.Create..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model TextBoxFor TModel TProperty this HtmlHelper TModel htmlHelper Expression Func TModel TProperty expression First this is an..