c# Programming Glossary: html.beginform
Filter is getting lost in WebGrid + Paging + Sorting + Filtering in .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051794/filter-is-getting-lost-in-webgrid-paging-sorting-filtering-in-net-4-0 filter with a standard HTML form using the GET verb @using Html.BeginForm MyPage null FormMethod.Get or an AJAX form using the GET verb..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap '@Url.Action PersonReport ' return false div @using Html.BeginForm SelectedPersonDetails Person form class form search input type..
ASP.NET MVC 2 problem with UpdateModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1936970/asp-net-mvc-2-problem-with-updatemodel ... and my form looks like this using Html.BeginForm Update Dashboard FormMethod.Post new name editForm div Html.EditorForModel..
How to open window in the same View in MVC 4? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20071301/how-to-open-window-in-the-same-view-in-mvc-4 .Modal true .Buttons b b.Close .Content @ text @using Html.BeginForm foreach var uri in ViewBag.uris img src @uri alt IMAGE a href..
Model binding with nested child models and PartialViews in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2462506/model-binding-with-nested-child-models-and-partialviews-in-asp-net-mvc ContentPlaceHolderID MainContent runat server using Html.BeginForm This is the important part It will look for Views Shared EditorTemplates..
File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5193842/file-upload-asp-net-mvc-3-0 an HTML form which would contain a file input @using Html.BeginForm Index Home FormMethod.Post new enctype multipart form data input..
Complex models and partial views - model binding issue in ASP.NET MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5197038/complex-models-and-partial-views-model-binding-issue-in-asp-net-mvc-3 model.Status and Complex.cshtml @model ComplexModel @using Html.BeginForm @Html.Partial _SimplePartial Model.Simple input type submit.. you using Editor templates @model ComplexModel @using Html.BeginForm @Html.EditorFor x x.Simple input type submit value Save and..
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5360372/the-objectcontext-instance-has-been-disposed-and-can-no-longer-be-used-for-opera type text javascript script @using Html.BeginForm Results Profiles @Html.ValidationSummary true fieldset legend..
How can I bind nested ViewModels from View to Controller in MVC3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5700558/how-can-i-bind-nested-viewmodels-from-view-to-controller-in-mvc3 version strong @Model.ContainerName strong @using Html.BeginForm fieldset @foreach var item in Model.ItemData @Html.TextBox.. editor templates strong @Model.ContainerName strong @using Html.BeginForm fieldset @Html.EditorFor x x.ItemData input type submit value..
MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048726/mvc3-unobtrusive-validation-not-working-after-ajax-call pageHeader Batch @Model.BatchName h3 div align center @ Html.BeginForm AddItemToBatch BatchWorkflow null FormMethod.Post new id frmAddItem..
Create using for own helper? like Html.BeginForm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7928532/create-using-for-own-helper-like-html-beginform using for own helper like Html.BeginForm I was wondering is it possible to create your own helper definition.. a using such as the following which creates a form using Html.BeginForm params I'd like to make my own helper like that. So a simple..
What's the best way to call a modal dialog in ASP.NET MVC using Twitter Bootstrap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8093633/whats-the-best-way-to-call-a-modal-dialog-in-asp-net-mvc-using-twitter-bootstra button h3 id myModalLabel Create Foo Bar h3 div @using Html.BeginForm Create Home FormMethod.Post new @class modal form @Html.ValidationSummary..
ASP.NET MVC3 RAZOR: Redirecting from Partial Views http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9413467/asp-net-mvc3-razor-redirecting-from-partial-views grid.Column format @ text @item.Title text @using Html.BeginForm div input type submit name popularpress id 2 div MyBlogs.cshtml.. section ul @Html.DisplayForModel ul section @using Html.BeginForm div input type submit name blogclick id 1 div Blog Display Template.. READING asp.net MVC partial view controller action Using Html.BeginForm to post to the current controller Loading a partial view in..