

c# Programming Glossary: htemplatefile

Insert bytes into middle of a file (in windows filesystem) without reading entire file (using File Allocation Table)?


FileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes IntPtr hTemplateFile DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true..

IO exception error when using serialport.open()


dwCreationDisposition int dwFlagsAndAttributes IntPtr hTemplateFile DllImport kernel32.dll SetLastError true private static extern..

Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry)


dwCreationDisposition DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes HANDLE hTemplateFile DllImport kernel32.dll SetLastError true static extern DWORD.. OPEN_EXISTING DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes 0 HANDLE hTemplateFile default IntPtr using var hDevice CreateFile lpFileName .. dwCreationDisposition dwFlagsAndAttributes hTemplateFile if null hDevice hDevice.IsInvalid throw new Win32Exception..

.NET code to send ZPL to Zebra printers


dwCreationDisposition uint dwFlagsAndAttributes IntPtr hTemplateFile private void Print Command to be sent to the printer string..

C# classes to undelete files? [duplicate]


uint dwCreationDisposition int dwFlagsAndAttributes IntPtr hTemplateFile DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true..