c# Programming Glossary: graphicsunit.pixel
Fade a panel- Windows forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10178559/fade-a-panel-windows-forms bmpFore rc 0 0 bmpFore.Width bmpFore.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel ia cm.Matrix33 1F blend ia.SetColorMatrix cm e.Graphics.DrawImage.. bmpBack rc 0 0 bmpBack.Width bmpBack.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel ia private void stopFade bool complete fadeTimer.Enabled false..
Ghost-borders ('ringing') when resizing in GDI+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1890605/ghost-borders-ringing-when-resizing-in-gdi g.DrawImage input rect 0 0 input.Width input.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel wrapMode Huge thanks to both Libor Tinka for the solution and..
parallel openmp c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038865/parallel-openmp-c-sharp bm new Rectangle 610 220 200 200 0 0 bm.Width bm.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel Dispose of objects gs.Dispose g.Dispose please help me as soon.. gr.DrawImage srce rc 0 0 srce.Width srce.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel ia return bmp Credit to Bob Powell for the above code. share..
C#, convert image to grayscale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2265910/c-convert-image-to-grayscale original.Height 0 0 original.Width original.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel attributes dispose the Graphics object g.Dispose return newBitmap..
Resizing an image in asp.net without losing the image quality http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2319983/resizing-an-image-in-asp-net-without-losing-the-image-quality 0 0 nnx nny new Rectangle 0 0 img.Width img.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel return cpy private MemoryStream BytearrayToStream byte arr..
How to rotate Text in GDI+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421381/how-to-rotate-text-in-gdi new Font FontFamily.GenericSansSerif 12 FontStyle.Bold GraphicsUnit.Pixel 1 true graphics.DrawString test boldFont textBrush 0 0 Can anyone..
Merging two images in C#/.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/465172/merging-two-images-in-c-net 0 width height new Rectangle 0 0 Frame.Width Frame.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel canvas.DrawImage Playbutton bitmap.Width 2 playbutton_width..
How can I get better results when shrinking an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6170912/how-can-i-get-better-results-when-shrinking-an-image Rectangle location size new Rectangle location image.Size GraphicsUnit.Pixel return resizedImage Compression Extension Method public static..
How to crop an image using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/734930/how-to-crop-an-image-using-c
C# picturebox load image with an offset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7680313/c-sharp-picturebox-load-image-with-an-offset RectangleF imgindex imgwidth n 0 imgwidth n imgsrc.Height GraphicsUnit.Pixel The idea is to create a new image imgdst and draw on it the..
cropping an area from BitmapData with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9688454/cropping-an-area-from-bitmapdata-with-c-sharp dest graphics.DrawImage bmp destRect srcRect GraphicsUnit.Pixel return dest private Bitmap cloneAforge Bitmap bmp int startX..