c# Programming Glossary: graphics.drawstring
how to improve printed text quality after using “graphics.DrawString”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11644115/how-to-improve-printed-text-quality-after-using-graphics-drawstring to improve printed text quality after using &ldquo graphics.DrawString&rdquo I have a problem with my text quality after printing.. graphics.CompositingMode CompositingQuality.SourceOver graphics.DrawString strValue boxStyle.Font sb oRectangle StringFormat by antialising..
save an image as a bitmap without losing quality http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11699219/save-an-image-as-a-bitmap-without-losing-quality Graphics.FromImage bitmap graphics.Clear Color.White graphics.DrawString Wow I can C# font brush 2 2 Save the bitmap bitmap.Save n..
Why is Graphics.MeasureString() returning a higher than expected number? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1203087/why-is-graphics-measurestring-returning-a-higher-than-expected-number call the DrawString method to print out the required text. graphics.DrawString string font brush widthOfPage 2F yPoint stringformat This works.. of drawing text in .NET GDI graphics.MeasureString and graphics.DrawString GDI TextRenderer.MeasureText and TextRenderer.DrawText In .NET.. and use GDI . At first they hoped they could simply change graphics.DrawString to call the old DrawText API instead of GDI . But they couldn't..
How do I rotate a label in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416897/how-do-i-rotate-a-label-in-c 90 float rotationAngle 180 arcAngle i float Math.PI graphics.DrawString text i .ToString this.Font textBrush 0 0 graphics.ResetTransform.. 90 float rotationAngle 180 arcAngle i float Math.PI graphics.DrawString text i .ToString this.Font textBrush 0 0 graphics.ResetTransform.. 90 float rotationAngle 360 text.Length i graphics.DrawString text i .ToString this.Font textBrush 0 0 graphics.ResetTransform..
How to rotate Text in GDI+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421381/how-to-rotate-text-in-gdi 12 FontStyle.Bold GraphicsUnit.Pixel 1 true graphics.DrawString test boldFont textBrush 0 0 Can anyone help me c# gdi share..
c#, Rotated text align http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4460258/c-rotated-text-align float width Math.Sin angle 2 graphics.RotateTransform 270f graphics.DrawString Text this.Font textBrush new PointF 0 0 stringFormat graphics.ResetTransform..
Write Text On An Image in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6826921/write-text-on-an-image-in-c-sharp bitmap using Font arialFont new Font Arial 10 graphics.DrawString firstText arialFont Brushes.Blue firstLocation graphics.DrawString.. firstText arialFont Brushes.Blue firstLocation graphics.DrawString secondText arialFont Brushes.Red secondLocation bitmap.Save..