c# Programming Glossary: graphicsdevice
Transparent window layer that is click-through and always stays on top http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11077236/transparent-window-layer-that-is-click-through-and-always-stays-on-top public partial class Form1 Form Directx graphics device GraphicsDevice dev null BasicEffect effect null Wheel vertexes VertexPositionColor.. PresentInterval.One Create XNA graphics device dev new GraphicsDevice GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter GraphicsProfile.Reach p Init..
How to resize window using XNA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11283294/how-to-resize-window-using-xna changes. I've been scouring the documentation for the GraphicsDevice and GraphicsDeviceManager classes but I have been unable to.. been scouring the documentation for the GraphicsDevice and GraphicsDeviceManager classes but I have been unable to find any information.. them. public class MainApp Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game GraphicsDeviceManager graphics SpriteBatch spriteBatch Player player public..
Drawing image with additive blending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12170894/drawing-image-with-additive-blending Additive blending doing so First of all you create a GraphicsDevice and a SpriteBatch In the following example we want to draw inside.. PN_Canvas.Handle pp.IsFullScreen false device new GraphicsDevice GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter GraphicsProfile.Reach pp batch.. use the following code block You should always clear the GraphicsDevice first device.Clear Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Black Note..
Converting .dds to .png: is XNA really this convoluted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3849161/converting-dds-to-png-is-xna-really-this-convoluted isn't really a problem. Wait what's this now It wants a GraphicsDevice Hmm it looks like one usually gets one of those via a GraphicsDeviceManager.. Hmm it looks like one usually gets one of those via a GraphicsDeviceManager ... oh wait I'm not going down that path again no more.. this thing manually. OK well this isn't too hard... var myGraphicsDevice new GraphicsDevice GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter GraphicsProfile.HiDef..
Asset not found XNA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4644325/asset-not-found-xna Vector2 mPosition new Vector2 0 0 Texture2D mSpriteTexture GraphicsDeviceManager graphics SpriteBatch spriteBatch public Game1 graphics.. SpriteBatch spriteBatch public Game1 graphics new GraphicsDeviceManager this Content.RootDirectory Content protected override.. override void LoadContent spriteBatch new SpriteBatch GraphicsDevice mSpriteTexture Content.Load Texture2D Face protected override..
How to resize and save a Texture2D in XNA? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/664279/how-to-resize-and-save-a-texture2d-in-xna shows how you could do that. Ignore the setup of the GraphicsDevice that's just to make a small self contained example. The interesting.. int.Parse args 2 int desiredHeight int.Parse args 3 GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice new GraphicsDevice GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.. int.Parse args 3 GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice new GraphicsDevice GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter DeviceType.Hardware GetConsoleWindow..
Why use services (IServiceProvider)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6802090/why-use-services-iserviceprovider . It then uses that IServiceProvider to get a IGraphicsDeviceService which it in turn uses to get a GraphicsDevice onto which.. a IGraphicsDeviceService which it in turn uses to get a GraphicsDevice onto which it loads things like textures effects etc. It cannot.. optional and is in a dependent assembly . It cannot take a GraphicsDeviceManager the commonly used implementation of IGraphicsDeviceService..