c# Programming Glossary: file.opentext
Send a email with a HTML file as body (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1155797/send-a-email-with-a-html-file-as-body-c to the MailMessage.Body property using StreamReader reader File.OpenText htmlFilePath Path to your HTML file MailMessage myMail new..
Determine the number of lines within a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/119559/determine-the-number-of-lines-within-a-text-file method you could do var lineCount 0 using var reader File.OpenText @ C file.txt while reader.ReadLine null lineCount Edit In..
C# Reading a File Line By Line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271225/c-sharp-reading-a-file-line-by-line your time First example open file using var file System.IO.File.OpenText _LstFilename read file while file.EndOfStream String line file.ReadLine.. addon Second example open file using var file System.IO.File.OpenText datFile compile regexs Regex nameRegex new Regex IDENTIFY ... SomeType ReadFrom string file string line using var reader File.OpenText file while line reader.ReadLine null SomeType newRecord parse..
How does foreach work when looping through function results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1632810/how-does-foreach-work-when-looping-through-function-results string GetLines string file using TextReader reader File.OpenText file string line while line reader.ReadLine null yield return..
Is C#'s using statement abort-safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3923457/is-cs-using-statement-abort-safe According to the book p. 138 using StreamReader reader File.OpenText file.txt ... is precisely equivalent to StreamReader reader.. ... is precisely equivalent to StreamReader reader File.OpenText file.txt try ... finally if reader null IDisposable reader .Dispose.. be to code this way StreamReader reader null try reader File.OpenText file.txt ... finally if reader null IDisposable reader .Dispose..
C# Help reading foreign characters using StreamReader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/592824/c-sharp-help-reading-foreign-characters-using-streamreader inputFilePath System.Text.Encoding.ANSI using reader File.OpenText inputFilePath Thanks Update I have tried all encodings found..
Is there an option “go to line” in TextReader/StreamReader? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/931976/is-there-an-option-go-to-line-in-textreader-streamreader .NET 3.5 admittedly. Otherwise open a TextReader e.g. with File.OpenText and just call ReadLine four times to skip the lines you don't..