c# Programming Glossary: file.open
Am I implementing IDisposable correctly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1136210/am-i-implementing-idisposable-correctly happens something along the lines of FileStream fileWrite File.Open path FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.Write FileShare.ReadWrite..
How to Add 'Comments' to a JPEG File Using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1755185/how-to-add-comments-to-a-jpeg-file-using-c-sharp file with a JpegBitmapDecoder using Stream jpegStreamIn File.Open imageFlePath FileMode.Open FileAccess.ReadWrite FileShare.None.. Save the new image using Stream jpegStreamOut File.Open imageFlePath FileMode.CreateNew FileAccess.ReadWrite encoder.Save..
How to auto save and auto load all properties in winforms C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2076259/how-to-auto-save-and-auto-load-all-properties-in-winforms-c typeof Controls i Stream stream File.Open test.xml FileMode.Create x.Serialize stream Controls i ..
Reading large text files with streams in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2161895/reading-large-text-files-with-streams-in-c-sharp by using a BufferedStream like this using FileStream fs File.Open path FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.ReadWrite using..
Since .NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers/destructors/dispose-pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331786/since-net-has-a-garbage-collector-why-do-we-need-finalizers-destructors-dispose method public void Log string line var sw new StreamWriter File.Open LogFile.log FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.Write FileShare.None.. public void Log string line using var sw new StreamWriter File.Open LogFile.log FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.Write FileShare.None..
How do you read a file which is in use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709104/how-do-you-read-a-file-which-is-in-use io share improve this question using FileStream stream File.Open path to file FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.ReadWrite..
Detecting whether a file is locked by another process (or indeed the same process) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/424830/detecting-whether-a-file-is-locked-by-another-process-or-indeed-the-same-proces and faster way. Any ideas try using FileStream fs File.Open GetLockFilename FileMode.Open FileAccess.ReadWrite FileShare.None..
How to document thrown exceptions in c#/.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/461306/how-to-document-thrown-exceptions-in-c-net InvalidOperationException public void MyMethod2 System.IO.File.Open somepath... this may throw FileNotFoundException also may throw.. thrown by MyMethod2 Should I document exceptions thrown by File.Open What would be the best way to document possible exceptions ..
Serialize Class containing Dictionary member http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495647/serialize-class-containing-dictionary-member public Boolean Save String filename using var filestream File.Open filename FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.ReadWrite try var.. ConfigFile Load string filename using var filestream File.Open filename FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read try var serializer..
How often should I use try and catch in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505471/how-often-should-i-use-try-and-catch-in-c for control flow. Consider this bad code try FileStream fs File.Open somefile.txt FileMode.Open catch Exception ex MessageBox.Show..
Is there a built-in way to handle multiple files as one stream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/533881/is-there-a-built-in-way-to-handle-multiple-files-as-one-stream do Stream combined new CombinationStream files.Select file File.Open file The ownership part is slightly tricky here the above would..
Serializing an array of integers using XmlSerializer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/553824/serializing-an-array-of-integers-using-xmlserializer filename Path.Combine container.Path scoredata.sav stream File.Open filename FileMode.Create serializer new XmlSerializer typeof..
How to split a large file into chunks in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5659189/how-to-split-a-large-file-into-chunks-in-c flag if flag 1 BinaryWriter writer new BinaryWriter File.Open receivedPath FileMode.Append if flag 1 writer.Write state.buffer..
open file in exclusive mode in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/685135/open-file-in-exclusive-mode-in-c-sharp ideas static void Main string args using Stream iStream File.Open c software code.txt FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.None.. test.txt exists before running. Run this app twice to see. File.Open test.txt FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.None Console.ReadKey..
Using SSL and SslStream for peer to peer authentication? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/695802/using-ssl-and-sslstream-for-peer-to-peer-authentication key file using BinaryWriter binWriter new BinaryWriter File.Open @ testcert.pfx FileMode.Create binWriter.Write c Step 2 Loading..
C# How can I test a file is a jpeg? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/772388/c-sharp-how-can-i-test-a-file-is-a-jpeg string filename using BinaryReader br new BinaryReader File.Open filename FileMode.Open UInt16 soi br.ReadUInt16 Start of Image..