

c# Programming Glossary: filedata

Upload file to skydrive through SkyDrive API


LiveConnectClient client new LiveConnectClient session var fileData new Dictionary string object fileData.Add name new_file.txt.. session var fileData new Dictionary string object fileData.Add name new_file.txt try LiveOperationResult fileOperationResult.. fileOperationResult await client.PutAsync me skydrive fileData this.infoTextBlock.Text fileOperationResult.ToString catch..

HRESULT: 0xC00CE556 - Loading string to XML


operationResultFile.Result IDictionary string object fileData IDictionary string object resultFile List object files List.. string object resultFile List object files List object fileData data foreach object item in files IDictionary string object.. operationResultFile.Result IDictionary string object fileData IDictionary string object resultFile List object files List..

Find image format using Bitmap object in C#


this. using MemoryStream imageMemStream new MemoryStream fileData using Bitmap bitmap new Bitmap imageMemStream ImageFormat imageFormat..

Alternative to FindMimeFromData method in Urlmon.dll one which has more MIME types


public MimeType GetMimeTypeFromFile string filePath sbyte fileData null using FileStream srcFile new FileStream filePath FileMode.Open.. srcFile.Length srcFile.Read data 0 Int32 srcFile.Length fileData Winista.Mime.SupportUtil.ToSByteArray data MimeType oMimeType.. data MimeType oMimeType GetMimeType fileData if oMimeType null return oMimeType We haven't found the file..

How to create byte array from HttpPostedFile


object to return a byte array from the stream like byte fileData null using var binaryReader new BinaryReader Request.Files 0.. binaryReader new BinaryReader Request.Files 0 .InputStream fileData binaryReader.ReadBytes Request.Files 0 .ContentLength share..

How to split a large file into chunks in c#?


byte fileName Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes fName file name byte fileData null try fileData StreamFile textBox1.Text file catch OutOfMemoryException.. fName file name byte fileData null try fileData StreamFile textBox1.Text file catch OutOfMemoryException ex.. length of file name clientData new byte 4 fileName.Length fileData.Length fileNameLen.CopyTo clientData 0 fileName.CopyTo clientData..

calculate sending file speed/sec by taking the average of 5 times of sent bytes


string fileName Path.GetFileName filePath byte fileData try sending file name and file size to the server busy true.. client.Send fileDetial sending file data to the server fileData new byte packetSize count 0 sum 0 Thread thSpeed new Thread.. while sum fileSize fs.Seek sum SeekOrigin.Begin fs.Read fileData 0 fileData.Length count client.Send fileData 0 fileData.Length..

Upload file from Html form (multipart/form-data) to WCF REST service as a stream without streaming the whole form's inputs?


Extract the file contents from the byte array byte fileData new byte contentLength Buffer.BlockCopy data startIndex fileData.. new byte contentLength Buffer.BlockCopy data startIndex fileData 0 contentLength this.FileContents fileData this.Success true.. startIndex fileData 0 contentLength this.FileContents fileData this.Success true private void ParseParameter Stream stream..