c# Programming Glossary: file.move
When to use try/catch blocks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1722964/when-to-use-try-catch-blocks File.Delete _fullDestinationPathAndFilename _archive File.Move _fullDestinationPathAndFilename _fullDestinationPathAndFilename.. _fullDestinationPathAndFilename _archive File.Move _fullSourcePathAndFilename _fullDestinationPathAndFilename .. Overwriting it. File.Delete pgpdFilename _archive File.Move pgpdFilename pgpdFilename _archive Process pProc new Process..
Cant Access File because it is being used by another process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321077/cant-access-file-because-it-is-being-used-by-another-process
File locked after sending it as attachement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5191449/file-locked-after-sending-it-as-attachement FileMode.Open FileAccess.ReadWrite FileShare.ReadWrite File.Move oldFullPath newFullPath catch Exception ex Its throwing.. message before moving the file like so message.Dispose File.Move ... When disposing MailMessage all locks and resources are released...
Change File Extension Using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5259961/change-file-extension-using-c-sharp also want to physically change the extension you could use File.Move method File.Move myffile Path.ChangeExtension myffile .jpg .. change the extension you could use File.Move method File.Move myffile Path.ChangeExtension myffile .jpg share improve this..
Efficient way to delete a line from a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/532217/efficient-way-to-delete-a-line-from-a-text-file counter if File.Exists tempPath File.Delete logPath File.Move tempPath logPath c# performance file io share improve this..
Rename a running executable (exe) file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6695496/rename-a-running-executable-exe-file this Our current thoughts are try a bunch of times using File.Move C# to do a rename and if it doesn't work then write out to an..
Rename some files in a folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680786/rename-some-files-in-a-folder .myfiles foreach FileInfo f in infos Do the renaming here File.Move f.FullName Path.Combine f.DirectoryName 1 f.Name share improve..
Atomicity of File.Move http://stackoverflow.com/questions/774098/atomicity-of-file-move of File.Move I want to rename a file in a directory as an atomic transaction... an NTFS file system probably on either Server 03 or 08. Is File.Move atomic for these purposes As in it either completes successfully..